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dc.contributor.advisorMwambene, Eric
dc.contributor.advisorFish, Washiela
dc.contributor.advisorRodrigues, Bernardo
dc.contributor.authorMumba, Nephtale Bvalamanja
dc.descriptionPhilosophiae Doctor - PhD (Mathematics)
dc.description.abstractThe main theme of this thesis is the construction of linear codes from adjacency matrices or sub-matrices of adjacency matrices of regular graphs. We first examine the binary codes from the row span of biadjacency matrices and their transposes for some classes of bipartite graphs. In this case we consider a sub-matrix of an adjacency matrix of a graph as the generator of the code. We then shift our attention to uniform subset graphs by exploring the automorphism groups of graph covers and some classes of uniform subset graphs. In the sequel, we explore equal codes from adjacency matrices of non-isomorphic uniform subset graphs and finally consider codes generated by an adjacency matrix formed by adding adjacency matrices of two classes of uniform subset graphs.
dc.publisherUniversity of the Western Cape
dc.subjectAlternating groups
dc.subjectAutomorphism groups
dc.subjectAntipodal graphs
dc.subjectBipartite graphs
dc.subjectGraph covers
dc.subjectIncidence design
dc.subjectLinear code
dc.subjectMaximal subgroups
dc.subjectNeighbourhood design
dc.subjectPermutation decoding
dc.titleCodes, graphs and designs from maximal subgroups of alternating groups
dc.rights.holderUniversity of the Western Cape

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