Browsing by Title
Now showing items 4127-4146 of 9039
Hagar: case study of abuse of women
(University of the Western Cape, 2008)According to modern standards, the narratives about Hagar in Genesis 16 and 21 are stories of abuse, as many feminist commentators have pointed out. Some of them, however, argue that the narrator condones what happened to ... -
Hamartology and ecology: a critical assessment of Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s view on the nature of sin
(2013)Contemporary ecological concerns are addressed in a wide range of disciplines, including Christian theology. This task is addressed especially in Christian ecotheology which may be approached from within all the traditional ... -
The hand and the head: the handspring puppet company and the arts archive
(University of the Western Cape, 2021)My Doctoral dissertation, titled The hand and the head: The Handspring Puppet Company and the arts archive, is focussed on the hand as it appears variously in the production, performance and reception of puppetry as a ... -
Hand shape estimation for South African sign language
(University of the Western Cape, 2012)Hand shape recognition is a pivotal part of any system that attempts to implement Sign Language recognition. This thesis presents a novel system which recognises hand shapes from a single camera view in 2D. By mapping the ... -
Handling heteroskedasticity in the linear regression model
(University of the Western Cape, 2022)This research project delves into the problem of heteroskedasticity in the linear regression model. Having defined the problem and its consequences for estimation and inference, a comprehensive literature review of ... -
The handling of undated pig embryos and foetuses as a prelude to histological studies of morphogenesis in the oral region
(University of the Western Cape, 1976)The author is interested in the morphogenesis of the oral region including the nasopalatine complex. With the intention of undertaking a study of the· embryological development in this area, perusal of available literature ... -
Handwashing compliance among nurses and midwives caring for newborn babies in Rwamagana health facilities, Rwanda
(University of the Western Cape, 2014)Infections (including healthcare-associated infections) are one of the leading causes of neonatal morbidity and mortality, yet these deaths could be prevented by cost-effective interventions. Handwashing (HW) is crucial ... -
Handwritten alphabet character recognition using audio signatures and machine learning
(University of the Western Cape, 2023)This research investigates the creation of an audio-based character recognition system that is able to segment, process and recognise uppercase English letters continuously drawn by the user on a given writing surface ... -
Hard tissue features associated with the presence of impacted mandibular third molars
(University of the Western Cape, 2016)Different pathology associated with impacted wisdom teeth in the oral cavity showed that it is prevalent and may lead to varied dental complications. This study adopted a descriptive cross-sectional retrospective analytical ... -
Harmful traditional practices, (male circumcision and virginity testing of girls) and the legal rights of children
(University of the Western Cape, 2006)In South Africa the practice of virginity testing is most prevalent in KwaZulu-Natal amongst the Zulu and Xhosa. Proponents of the practice claim that some of the benefits include the prevention of the spread of HIV/Aids ... -
Harmonisation of corporate governance laws in the Southern African Development Community
(University of the Western Cape, 2015)In terms of the SADC Regional Indicative Strategic Development Plan (RISDP), the main objective of the community is to achieve a monetary union through the creation of a regional central bank by 2016 and adoption of a ... -
The harmonisation of rules on the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments in the Southern African Customs Union
(University of the Western Cape, 2013)The thesis considers the approaches followed by the European Union with the Brussels Regime, the federal system of the United States of America under the ‘full faith and credit clause’; the inter-state recognition scheme ... -
The harmonisation of rules on the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments in the southern African customs union
(University of the Western Cape, 2013)The Member States of the Southern African Customs Union (SACU) have set as their objectives, amongst others, the facilitation of cross-border movement of goods between the territories of the Member States and the promotion ... -
Harmonization of SACU trade policies in the tourism & hospitality service sectors
(University of the Western Cape, 2009)The general objective of the proposed research is to do a needs analysis for the tourism and hospitality industries of South Africa, Botswana, Namibia, Lesotho and Swaziland. This will be followed by an alignment of these ... -
Harnessing Resilience: An exploration into individual and contextual factors that facilitate uptake of sexual and reproductive health services (SRHS) and HIV testing amongst South African youth
(University of the Western Cape, 2022)Youth is generally defined as young people between the ages of 14- 24 years, however, in South Africa the age range is extended to 34 years. In 2020, the estimated youth population (14-35 years) in South Africa was 20.1 ... -
Harreخ at: A novella and reflective essay
(University of the Western Cape, 2023)Background: On the 9th of August 1961, an especially cold, rainy day, the five girls were standing outside of their mother, Rhoda’s, bedroom door, waiting patiently for their first brother to arrive, since Rhoda’s belly ... -
Has the failure to conduct post-Truth and Reconciliation Commission prosecutions in South Africa contributed to a culture of impunity for economic crimes?
(University of the Western Cape, 2015)The end of Apartheid and the transition to a new constitutional democracy in South Africa was ushered in by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC). The purpose of the TRC was to promote a dialogue between victims ... -
A hashtag analysis of racial discourses within #ColouredExcellence: Case of Wayde van Niekerk
(University of the Western Cape, 2019)The research study takes into account the apartheid legacy of racial hierarchization and ‘separate development’ (cf Raynard, 2012) which penetrated all aspects of social life. Particularly, it is the sporting domain and ...