Now showing items 1-2 of 2
Blood, race and the construction of 'the coloured' in Sarah Gertrude Millin's God's Stepchildren
(University of the Western Cape, 2011)
In this paper I attempt to look critically at the literary construction of one particular 'race', namely the 'Coloureds', in Sarah Gertrude Millin's God's Stepchildren. To this end, the paper draws on the historical ...
Blood, race and the construction of 'the Coloured' in Sarah Gertrude Millin's God's stepchildren
(University of the Western Cape, 2011)
In this paper I attempt to look critically at the literary construction of one particular 'race', namely the 'Coloureds'. In Sarah Gertrude Millin's God's Stepchildren. To this end, the paper draws on the hlstorlcal ...