Browsing Magister Artium - MA (Anthropology/Sociology) by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 75
Radicals and Antiradicals in near-rings
(1979)This thesis deals with Jacobson type radicals and ideals, which are antiradical in the sense that they are direct sums of minimal left ideals and annihilate the quasi-radical of central importance are the s-radical denoted ... -
A sociological study of ideology among the Herero of central Namibia
(University of the Western Cape, 1984)The concept of ideology: as portrayed in the works of various social theorists, is comprised of a wider Yet related, range of meanings and connotations. Despite its lack of semantic precision, the concept is of value for ... -
A socio-historical analysis of education/in the / third world and its implication)lfor rural development
(University of Western Cape, 1993)The greater part of the analysis relates to the needs of the Third World, with an emphasis on Africa (as opposed to the entire Third World). Within the African context, these needs should be seen against a background ... -
An analysis of the contact patterns perpetuating the transmission of tuberculosis in two high incidence communities in the Cape Town Metropolitan area
(University of the Western Cape, 1997)Biomedicine positively maintains that tuberculosis transmission occurs due to close contact with a diseased individual (Coovadia and Benatar, 1991). Consequently, this refers to a direct mode of transmission where ... -
Opportunities of muslim female socio-political interaction in Shariah legislation in the northern Nigerian provinces
(University of the Western Cape, 2001)This paper identifies the reasons for the lack of Hausa women's political participation and how women can self-determine regarding social change within their patriarchal societies, by focusing on the socio-cultural factors ... -
Driekopseiland and the 'rain's magic power': history and landscape in a new interpretation of a Northern Cape rock engraving
(University of Westen Cape, 2002)The rock engraving site of Driekopseiland, west of Kimberley in the Northern Cape is distinctively situated on glaciated basement rock in the bed of the Riet River, and has a wealth of over 3500 engravings, preponderantly ... -
Positive Muslims: a critical analysis of Muslim AIDS activism in relation to women living with HIV/AIDS in Cape Town
(University of the Western Cape, 2003)This research critically analysed Muslim approaches to five women with HIV/AIDS in Cape Town focussing particularly on the approach of 'Positive Muslims' - an awareness-raising and support group for Muslims living with ... -
Our memories of the liberation war: How civilians in post war Northern Namibia remember the war.
(University of the Western Cape, 2003)This research looks at the gap that exists between public representation and personal narratives of the Namibian liberation war. Having observed the absence of private narratives in the grand national memory, I address the ... -
Possible causes of Divorce in Asmara
(University of the Western Cape, 2003)This research project seeks to account for some of the causes of divorce in Asmara Eritrea. The existing law in this country recognizes adultery, desertion and cruelty as serious grounds for divorce. However, this research, ... -
A critical analysis of the effects of tourism on cultural representation: a case study from Leboeng
(University of the Western Cape, 2004)Cultural tourism is a vehicle for economic growth. Cultural representations are made in order to make the cultural tourism sector a more vibrant one. Given this argument, research in cultural tourism should take a critical ... -
"Things were better then": an ethnographic study of the violence of everyday life and remembrance of older people in the community of Belhar"
(University of the Western Cape, 2005)This minithesis provides an ethnographic account of the life world of older people in the community of Belhar in the Cape Peninsula, which was historically categorised as a 'coloured' community during the implementation ... -
Coping with violence: institutional and student responses at the University of the Western Cape
(University of the Western Cape, 2005)This thesis is based on research conducted at the University of the Western Cape, a previously ‘coloured’ university with its beginnings rooted in the political tensions in South Africa. The university is geographically ... -
The effects of conflict on the youth of Mfuleni
(University of the Western Cape, 2006)Since the abolition of apartheid, levels of political violence in South Africa have dropped dramatically. However, violent conflicts in the communities are at high levels and are of grave concern. This development is far ... -
Checking the Kulcha: Local discourse of culture in the Kavango region of Namibia
(University of Westen Cape, 2006)This thesis makes an ethnographic contribution to the anthropological debates about the contested nature of ‘culture’ as a central term in the discipline. It examines discourses as tools that create, recreate, modify and ... -
The interrelationships of violence - from the transnational to the domestic. Experiences of refugee women in Cape Town
(University of the Western Cape, 2008)Although gender-based violence has been identified as highly problematic in South Africa, it has not been given much scholarly attention in relation to refugee women. This study focuses on the experience of some of these ... -
Re-situating and shifting cultural identity in contemporary Namibia: the experience of rural-urban migrants in Katutura (Windhoek)
(University of the Western Cape, 2008)This thesis explores the shifting cultural identities of young Owambo migrants living in Babilon, an informal settlement on the outskirts of Windhoek, Namibia. Through an investigation of their social, cultural and economic ... -
Xhosa male circumcision at the crossroads: responses by government, traditional authorities and communities to circumcision related injuries and deaths in Eastern Cape Province
(University of the Western Cape, 2008)The aim of this thesis is to conduct an ethnographic analysis of the traditional male circumcision intervention by government, through the Application of Health Standards in Traditional Circumcision Act, No 6 of 2001, of ... -
Exploring meanings of lesbian spaces in Cape Town and their perceived impact on well-being
(University of the Western Cape, 2008)Cape Town is perceived as one of the'gay capitals'of the world, yet many individuals who identify as homosexual still experience danger and harassment in this city in their everyday lives. This qualitative study was conducted ... -
A Heideggerian hermeneutic phenomenology of technology and vision: towards an existential – ontological understanding of social being
(2010)This thesis turns to Martin Heidegger to develop an interpretive framework to answer the question that has increasingly been thrust to the fore of 21st century society: what is the nature of the relationship between ... -
Cultural and Social Factors Impacting on the Programme to Prevent-Mother-To-Child-Transmission (PMTCT) of HIV in Namibia: a Case Study of the Kavango Region
(University of the Western Cape, 2010)This study focuses on socio-cultural issues, which affect Kavango women's decision to participate in the PMTCT programme. It investigates the treatment methods used by HIV-positive pregnant women for themselves and their ...