Philosophiae Doctor - PhD (Geography, Environmental & Tourism Studies)
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verandering in arrykskunde in die sekondere skool: n aksienavorsingsbenadering
(1991)Hierdie mini-thesis handel hoofsaaklik oor n aksienvorsingsprojek wat gedurende 1989 by Fairmount Sekonder geloode is. Die aanvanklike doel was om die status van die vak Aardrykskunde te verhoog. Vanwee die sikliese aard ... -
Urban community gardens and urban justice in the Cape Flats of Cape Town
(University of the Western Cape, 2022)Cities worldwide are undergoing neoliberal transformation processes, culminating in deep income inequalities, erosion of public space, and the depletion of social fabric across distressed communities. The process of ... -
The colonisation of the Geographical mind: A critical contextual analysis of the institutionalisation and establishment of Geography as an academic discipline in South Africa
(University of Western Cape, 1992)The history of geography is much more than the mere listing of the names and publications of great geographers, identifying different research traditions, or searching for paradigms. The history of geography ought to ... -
Informality and right to the city: Contestations for safe and liveable spaces in Masvingo City, Zimbabwe
(University of the Western Cape, 2019)Informal sector operators in many cities of the global South face extensive harassment, criminalization and restricted access to public spaces despite the important role the sector is playing in urban development. Using ... -
Drought, urban resilience and urban food security in kaKhoza, Manzini, Swaziland
(University of the Western Cape, 2019)Food security is the ability to secure an adequate daily supply of food that is affordable, hygienic and nutritious and it has become a chronic development problem in most urban areas of the global South. This thesis ...