Browsing Department of Maxillo-Facial & Oral Surgery by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 58
Maturation of the permanent teeth in a Western Cape sample
(1974)The need for in-depth knowledge of dental emergence and calcification in orthodontic diagnosis and treatment planning cannot be disputed. Serial extractions, treatment timing, bite opening and closing, expansion and ... -
Mandibulo-facial dysostosis - An investigation of the cranio-facial and oral manifestations in South African bantu.
(University of Pretoria, 1975)The subject, an adult bantu male with most of the features of the classical syndrome, is subjected to a physical investigation with the - emphasis on the cranio-facial and oral manifestations. The clinical appearance of ... -
An osteo-radiographic study of the mandibular canal
(1982)Even though the mandibular nerve is of great importance to the dentist, very little research on the course of the nerve and the relationship of the mandibular canal to the adjacent anatomical structures has been ... -
A photometric soft-tissue profile assessment in a Western Cape sample
(Uiversity of the Western Cape, 1986)Cephalometric norms for the soft-tissue profile presently utilized in this country, are based almost entirely on North American Caucasian and Negroid studies. Orthodontists use these standards as a guide in the treatment ... -
Extraction and retention of teeth in the line of mandibular fracture: A study of a Western Cape sample
(University of the Western Cape, 1986)Anecdotal and controversial discussion has.always been prompted by the bias of the clinician in relation to whether teeth in the line of fracture should be extracted or retained. In recent years, it became evident to ... -
Malignant tumours of the maxillofacial and oral region in children: A clinicopathologic study
(University of the Western Cape, 1994)This is a retrospective study of malignant tumours of the maxillofacial and oral region in children that presented over a 20 year period (1973 to 1993) at the Red Cross War Memorial Children's Hospital and Groote Schuur ... -
Malignant tumors of the maxillofacial and oral region in children: A clinicopathologic study
(University of the Western Cape, 1994)This is a retrospective study of malignant tumours of the maxillofacial and oral region in children that presented over a 20 year period (1973 to 1993) at the Red Cross War Memorial Children's Hospital and Groote Schuur ... -
A comparison of the treating mandibular fractures at the department of maxillofacial and oral surgery, Groote Schuur hospital
(1995)Mandibular fractures are common facial injuries, occurring twice as frequently as fractures of the bones of the midface. Only the nasal bones are fractured more often as the result of trauma to the face (Olson eta/ 1982; ... -
A retrospective analysis of gunshot injuries to the Maxillofacial region (1980 to 1995)
(University of the Western Cape, 1997)There appears to be an increase in the use of handguns amongst the civilian population with a resultant increase in the firearm related mortalities in the Cape Town metropolitan area (Lerer et al., 1997). Therefore, the ... -
A retrospective anal\'sis of gunshot injuries to the maxillofacial region (1980 to 1995)
(University of the Western Cape, 1997)There appears to be an increase in the use of handguns amongst the civilian population with a resultant increase in the firearm related mortalities in the Cape Town metropolitan area (Lerer et al., 1997). Therefore, the ... -
An investigation into the role of histological parameters in the prediction of the prognosis for tl and t2 oral squamous cell carcinomas
(University of Western Cape, 1998)TI and T2 squamous cell carcinomas of the head and neck have an unpredictable prognosis that often pose therapeutic problems. Sophisticated methods such as cytometric DNA analysis, immunocytochemistry and detection of ... -
Unicystic ameloblastoma: A critical appraisal
(2000)Robinson and Martinez first introduced the entity of unicystic ameloblastoma in 1977. Since then numerous case reports and series have been published. The evidence suggests that a more conservative approach can be used ... -
Unicystic Ameloblastoma : A critical appraisal
(University of the Western Cape, 2000)Robinson and Martinez first introduced the entity of unicystic ameloblastoma n 1977. Since then numerous case reports and series have been published. The evidence suggests that a more conservative approach can be used ... -
An in vitro study of the microleakage of a compomer (polyacid modified resin composite) bonded to enamel and dentine with different bonding systems and the effect of saliva contamination there of.
(Stellenbosch University, 2002)Restorative systems classified as polyacid modified composite resins, or compomers, have appeared on the market. An example of this is Dyract AP. Dyract AP must be used with the Prime & Bond NT bonding system. Prime & ... -
Maxillofacial fractures in children attending the Red Cross War Memorial Children's Hospital
(University of the Western Cape, 2005)The literature shows that maxillofacial fractures in children are uncommon. Although the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery of the Faculty of Dentistry, of the University of the Western Cape, has been providing ... -
Radiographic profile of symptomatic impacted mandibular third molars in the Western Cape, South Africa
(University of the Western Cape, 2005)It is common practice to remove impacted mandibular third molars due to pathology associated with these impactions. Alternatively, impactions can be treated conservatively through a closely guarded follow-up regiment. ... -
Antibiotic prophylaxis in third molar surgery
(University of Western Cape, 2007)The purpose of this study is to evaluate the need for prophylactic antibiotic treatment in third molar surgery and to establish specific guidelines for antibiotic prophylaxis in the department of Maxillo-Facial and Oral ... -
Orofacial sepsis and HIV at maxillo-facial surgery units in the Western Cape: a prospesctive study
(2009)The World Health Organisation estimated that in 2002 more than 13,772 000 deaths in developing countries were caused by infections. This accounted for more than 45% of all deaths, making up 7 of the top 10 causes of death ... -
Efficacy of two different types of throat packs
(University of the Western Cape, 2009)Post-operative sore throat is a common minor complication following general anaesthesia via endotracheal intubation. Pharyngeal packing has often been implicated in this minor anaesthetic complication. In maxillo-facial ... -
Survey on the management of Alveolar Osteitis ( Dry Sockets) in South Africa
(University of the Western Cape, 2009)Exodontia remains one of the most regularly done procedures in dentistry in South Africa (SA) and alveolar osteitis (AO) is considered one of the most common complications associated with exodontia. Despite the extensive ...