Perceptions of first year Biology students at a college of education towards the relevance of population dynamics as prescribed for current biology syllabusses at matriculation level in South African schools
Throughout this research, an attempt has been made to assess the perceived relevance, if any, of the Population Dynamics topic of the standard ten Biology syllabus, especially of those standard ten pupils enrolling as student teachers at a College of Education.
From this investigation, various factors, such as lesson methodology, practical field-work and time restraints amongst others, cause most pupils to misconstrue the relevance of
Population Dynamics. Recommendations forwarded suggest an in-depth restructuring of the ecology aspects of the Biology courses at College by integrating content acquisition more closely with methodology than is evident at present- This will foster confidence and skills competence in aspirant teachers as they cultivate an environmental ethos in their classrooms.
In addition, attention is focused on Energy FIow as a sample topic for transformation from the theoretical to a more relevant and functional approach. In the absence of a definite commitment to the importance of improving teaching and learning methods in the presentation of this topic, most pupils fail to understand the important role of Population Dynamics in a study of Ecology’ against global degradation.