The determination of excitation functions for natRb+p up to 100 MeV with an emphasis on the production of 82Sr
The radioisotope strontiuur-S2 (T172= 25.55 days) decays to short-lived t"Rb 1T,, = 76 seconds) by l00o/o electron caphue @C). The short-lived t'*Rb decays by g5.SYopositron-ernissiou p* and 4.5%oEC to stable'2Kr. Rubidiurn-82g is used in Positron Enr.ission Tonrography (PET) applications, including studies of myocardial infarction, kidney tissue, and brain blood florv. In the present study the excitation fi,rnctions for the production of 82Sr, other radio-strontiums, and radio-contaminants produced in the proton bonrbardrnenl of ""'Rb rvere measured by ureans of the stacked-foil teclutique