Determining the incidence, risk factors and predictors of injury among male FNB Varsity Cup rugby players in South Africa
The physical nature of the sport of rugby allows for a high incidence of injury, even in university rugby, compared to other contact sporting codes. Rugby Union lacks injury data focusing on university student-athletes, more specifically in South Africa. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the incidence and risk factors of injury, and to predict the risk of injury based on playing position among male rugby players participating in the FNB Varsity Cup Young Guns tournament. The study used a quantitative, cross-sectional and correlational research design. From a population of approximately 360 male rugby players who participated annually in the Young Guns tournament in SA, a study sample of 252 participants were conveniently recruited to participate in this study. An adapted version of the standardised and validated Rugby Union injury questionnaire was used to capture the rugby injury data, such as the location, type, nature, and severity of injury. The injury data collected was captured onto a Microsoft Office Excel 2016 spreadsheet and analysed using SPSS version 28.