An investigation of perspectives and practices Of african traditional healers whe managing psychoses
A common practice among many African patients w ho are admitted into western psychiatric hospitals is that they combine western with traditional methods of treatment. Although such practices are tolerated, they are not officially acknowledged due to mi strust and ignorance of traditional healing methods by western-trained health providers. The aim of thi s study was to qu alitativel y in vestigate
perspectives and practices of African traditional heal er s known as ·' amagqirha" in managing psychoses. The phenomenological approach was utilized in order to exp li cate the " arnagqirha' s" understanding and how they t reat the condition. A non-probability snowball sample of four participants who were chosen through their association w ith psychotic patients undergoing treatment at a local psychiatric hospital were used. In depth interviews were used to collect data. The interviews were conducted in Xhosa and tape reco rded .