Promoting educational change: reflections on a Namibian non-governmental educational organisation 1989 - 1992
This research presents a case study of a Namibian non-governmental educational organisation (NGEO), the Primary Teachers Project (PTP), in order to focus on discussing issues of educational change and the role of NGEO's in this process. Through reflection on the case study, this research aims to highlight and understand more deeply those factors which helped and hindered the Primary Teachers Project's role in educational change, with a particular emphasis on the following area: - The Primary Teachers Project’s (PTP)in-service education and training (INSET)model. The relationship between the Namibian Ministry of Education and the PTP. Funding relationships and their influence on the Project's development. Intemal dynamics within the Primary Teachers Project. Topical reflections on each of these areas are integrated with relevant national and international literature on INSET, educational change and the role of NGEO's. In conclusion, this research draws out some central learnings with regard to the PTP and its role in educational change in Namibia. The focus is on highlighting some of the central factors which worked for and against this NGEO influencing educational change. Finally, a number of general recommendations are made with regard to the role of NGEO's in the Southern African context.