Browsing Magister Artium - MA (Women and Gender Studies) by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 33
‘n Evaluering van onderwysmetodes in musiekteoretiese vakke en gehoorontwikkeling
(University of the Western Cape, 1991)Praktiese ondervinding van die onderrig van Musiek op skoolvlak het getoon dat Musiekteoretiese vakke en Gehoorontwikkeling nie voldoende gestrukrureerd en gebaseer op wetenskaplik gefundeerde onderrigmetodes aangebied ... -
The psychological effects of detention with particular reference to the South African political detainee
(University of the Western Cape, 1996)The intention of this dissertation is to clarify the psychological processes and effects which operate in the political detention situation, and to outline effective treatment and coping strategies. An overview of research ... -
Lesbians and the right to equality: Perceptions of people in a local Western Cape community
(University of the Western Cape, 2001)When lesbians, as women divert from social norms and reject the compulsory heterosexual norm, they are either punished through legal systems for transgressing patriarchial structures or not recognised at all. As women, ... -
Perceptions of the veil among a group of Sudanese women: a qualitative study
(University of the Western Cape, 2004)The Islamic dress code has been forcibly imposed on the women in Sudan, since 1983, and many feminists researchers have criticized the practices of the veil as a tool to oppress women. This study aimed to explore a group ... -
The contemporary construction of the causality of HIV/AIDS :a discourse analysis and its implications for understanding national policy statements on the epidemic in South Africa
(University of the Western Cape, 2005)This study was concerned with the social construction of HIV/AIDS at the policy level in contemporary South Africa, and how such constructions shape the manner in which the epidemic is understood in popular discourse. -
An exploration of the stigma experienced by women who are living with HIV/AIDS
(University of the Western Cape, 2006)The effects of the spread of HIV/AIDS place a great burden on women and children, who will probably suffer most in terms of social and economic deprivation. Since HIV/AIDS is linked to social taboos such as sexuality, drug ... -
Experiences of rural girls in a historically dominated organisation: scouts in Mpumalanga, Western Cape and Eastern Cape
(University of the Western Cape, 2006)This study explores the experiences of young rural girls in scouting practices, who reside in the rural areas of Mpumalanga, Western and Eastern Cape provinces of South Africa. This exploratory study draws special reference ... -
Representations of gender,race and sexuality in selected English-medium South African magazines, 2003-2005
(University of the Western Cape, 2007)The aim of this study was to explore representations of gender, race and sexuality in a select group of South African magazines - Men's Health, FHM, Blink, True Love, Femina and Fair Lady - between 2003 and 2005. From a ... -
"War in the home'' marriage and mediation among the Gurage in Ethiopia
(University of the Western Cape, 2011)Ethiopian ethnic groups exhibit highly autochthonous cultural norms and values that are embedded in their traditional beliefs, systems, and religions. This study shows how, at the grassroots level, the Gurage ethnic group ... -
Perceptions of empowerment: a study of muslim women living in the greater Cape Town Metropole
(University of the Western Cape, 2011)This thesis is a small scale in depth exploration into the perceptions of power held by eight Muslim women residing in the Cape Town Metropole area. Using a Qualitative Feminist approach the study aimed to explore and shed ... -
An assessment of the perceptions of parental practices which place children at-risk for abuse and neglect
(University of the Western Cape, 2012)The aim of the study was to assess the perceptions of parental practices, which could place children at risk for abuse and neglect. This study used the quantitative method with a cross-sectional comparative design to examine ... -
"Passing women": gender and hybridity in the fiction of three female South African authors
(University of the Western Cape, 2012)A key aim of this study is to shed light on the representation of coloured women with reference to racial passing, using fictive characters depicted in Sarah Gertrude Millin’s (1924) God's Stepchildren, Zoë Wicomb's (2006) ... -
Women's negotiation of alternative sexualities in the Western Cape: A Cape Town case study
(University of the Western Cape, 2012)This mini thesis is an exploratory study of the lived experiences of bisexual and lesbian women in the Western Cape with regard to how they claim agency and negotiate their individual sexualities. Using mixed methodologies ... -
Experiences of gender and power relations among a group of black women holding leadership positions: a case study of six government departments in the Western Cape
(University of the Western Cape, 2013)In this study, I explored the experiences of gender and power relations among a group of black women holding leadership positions in six government departments in the Western Cape. South Africa is in a process of transition ... -
An exploration of the perceptions of non-admitting sex offenders of their family environment
(University of the Western Cape, 2014)This study aims to explore the family environment of non-admitting sex offenders in order to gain insight into the family characteristics that could be contributing factors towards the behaviour of denial. However, the ... -
Migration and body politics: a study of migrant women workers in Bellville, Cape Town
(University of the Western Cape, 2015)Migration has become very prominent in South Africa, and unlike most countries on the continent, it is an extremely prominent destinations for migrants. The country attracts migrants because there is a common perception ... -
Gendered dynamics in South African astrophysics: A case study of the South African Astronomical Observatory
(University of the Western Cape, 2016)This study explores the nuances around gendered dynamics, attitudes, ideologies, values and knowledge that exist within astronomy and astrophysics institutions paying specific attention to the South African Astronomical ... -
Exploring the dualisms of 'belonging': Young women's performances of citizenship in Cape Town
(University of the Western Cape, 2016)My research involves a nuanced exploration of 'citizenship', through examining the liberatory potential of young women's use of social media and performance of embodied subjectivities in the post-Apartheid imaginary. By ... -
"Access to tertiary education": Exploring the experiences of women with physical disabilities in Kamwala, Zambia
(University of the Western Cape, 2017)Women with disabilities are marginalised in many aspects of societal participation. The majority of women with disabilities in Zambia do not have access to education and this has placed them amongst the poorest of people ... -
Human trafficking across a border in Nigeria: Experiences of young women who have survived trafficking
(University of the Western Cape, 2017)Human trafficking is a global issue that most countries have battled to control and combat in recent times. It is exploitative, abusive and violates human rights. Research showing the prevalence of human trafficking in ...