Now showing items 1-10 of 25
Community health worker's perspective of mother–infant bonding within the the first 1000 days of life in Khayelitsha, South Africa
(University of the Western Cape, 2020)
While community health workers possess valuable insight into health care delivery in South Africa, their voices and experiences are seldom sought in the acquisition of knowledge surrounding relevant social concerns. This ...
The validation of the scales measuring stress, coping, psychological strengths and psychological well-being in school-going adolescents in the Cape Metropole: Cognitive testing of the measures
(University of Western Cape, 2021)
Mental health is one of the most neglected issues among school-going adolescents, with the result that little is known about aspects of these young people in the South African context. Given the stressors encountered by ...
Exploring students’ understandings of a decolonised psychology curriculum at a South African university
(University of Western Cape, 2021)
Discussions about decolonisation of the curriculum resurfaced after the #FeesMustFall movement in South African universities. Despite its long history, there’s little to no change in its implication. Decolonisation is ...
Professional quality of life: Compassion fatigue, compassion satisfaction and professional burnout in lay trauma counsellors in Cape Town
(University of Western Cape, 2020)
This study explored Professional Quality of Life (ProQOL) among lay trauma counsellors in Cape Town, South Africa, with a secondary focus on the implications for task shifting. The study supplemented a broader project, ...
Factors associated with substance use among university students in South Africa: Implications for prevention
(University of Western Cape, 2020)
Substance use and abuse has been a persistent challenge facing many communities around the
world. In more recent times there has been particular focus on the gradual, yet alarming
increase in the use and/or abuse of ...
Undergraduate students’ motivation for attending university and the role of demographic factors in influencing motivation
(University of Western Cape, 2020)
Previous studies on motivation of higher education students have predominantly focused on
the role of motivation in academic achievement. The aim of this study was to identify what
motivates students to attend university ...
An exploration of the experiences of volunteers in a therapeutic Expressive Sandwork intervention within a low-income community.
(University of the Western Cape, 2020)
Youth and adolescents’ perceptions of violence in post-apartheid South Africa: A systematic review
(University of Western Cape, 2020)
The history of South Africa is embedded in violence. This can be traced to the arrival of the
Dutch settlers in 1652, to the Afrikaner–nationalist ideology of apartheid, and finally into the
current dispensation of ...
Exploring the subjective experiences of educator-targeted bullying (ETB) in secondary schools
(University of Western Cape, 2020)
The majority of research on bullying focuses on learner-to-learner bullying, and educators are
rarely identified or viewed as victims of bullying. This area of research is largely neglected,
despite its serious negative ...
Exploring the psychosocial and emotional challenges faced by 11–15-year-old Muslim adolescents studying at Hifth schools in Cape Town
(University of Western Cape, 2020)
In compliance with the Constitution, the South African Schools Act 84 of 1996 requires that
every child attend school from age 7 (or grade 1) to age 15 (or grade 9, whichever occurs first).
The Western Cape Education ...