Catholic reflections on abortion and euthanasia - towards a theology of sacredness of human life
It is not possible in this paper to deal with all the moral problems revolving at the "beginning" and "end" of human life in the modern world. However, something must be said about the question regarding respect for human life vis-à-vis abortion and euthanasia, since they are widely discussed today and since they strike at the very heart of traditional morality. The dignity and worth of individual life cannot be derived from analysis of individual life itself. Humanity is not the measure of all things. Whatever value human beings have is strictly transitory unless it is in our relationship to some ultimate source of value outside us. Christian faith understands human value as being established by our relationship with God - a relationship created and given by God himself. It is because we have our being from God and are sustained by God that we can meaningfully affirm the value of individual human life.