Comparison of time taken and breakage of six different endodontic systems to prepare molar teeth
The purpose of this study was to determine duration time, breakage and apical displacement, whilst using six different endodontic filing systems to prepare molar teeth. A total of 96 molar teeth were used in the study, divided equally, ie 16 teeth per system selected randomly, totalling 48 canals per system. A standardised access cavity was prepared for all the teeth before selection. The canals were filed according to the manufacturers’ guidelines. The result
showed that PROTAPER®, K3™ and the combination of: HERO Shaper®, HERO Apical® and Endoflare® (Referred from hereon as HERO System for convenience) were statistically faster than PROFILE® and FlexMaster®, which were in turn faster than AETTM. Although breakage did occur in K3™ and HERO System this was not deemed statistically significant. Apical displacement occurred in the form of Type 1 in the AETTM, PROFILE® and HERO System, but once again this was not statistically significant. It was concluded that more aggressive cutting features such as a positive rake angle, pyramidal shaped tip, progressive taper and absence of radial lands, if
present, could have enabled K3™, HERO System and PROTAPER® to have faster times, and in addition these features did not compromise these systems with regard to apical foramina transportation and breakage.