Now showing items 1-100 of 64

South Africa (11)
Groundwater (8)
Climate change (4)
Artificial recharge (3)
Geology (3)
Groundwater flow (3)
Hydrogeology (3)
Porosity (3)
Water quality (3)
Aquifer vulnerability (2)
Bulk density (2)
Canopy cover (2)
Cape Flats (2)
Coal fly ash (2)
Conceptual model (2)
Ecosystem (2)
Ephemeral river (2)
Facies (2)
Faults (2)
Groundwater management (2)
Groundwater numerical modelling (2)
Hydraulic tensor (2)
Hydraulic test (2)
Hydrogeological characteristics (2)
Lithology (2)
Namibia (2)
Numerical model (2)
Reservoir (2)
Seismic (2)
Sequence boundaries (2)
Soil water content (2)
Storativity (2)
Stratigraphy (2)
Systems tract (2)
Table Mountain Group (2)
Unconformities (2)
Water resources (2)
Wireline logs (2)
1,321m3 (1)
1,700-1,000m3 (1)
Abandoned coal mine (1)
Acid Mine Drainage (1)
Acid mine drainage (1)
Acid susceptibility (1)
Acoustic impedance (1)
Actual evapotranspiration (1)
Afowo formation (1)
Africa (1)
Albian age gas (1)
Albian age gas, South Africa (1)
Alien clearing (1)
Allocation (1)
Amphoteric behaviour (1)
Anion species (1)
Anthropogenic activities (1)
Apple (Malus Domestica Borkh) (1)
Aquifer (1)
ArcView GIS ) (1)
Arid region (1)
Artesian aquifer (1)
Artificial recharge of groundwater (1)
Assessment (1)
Backcasting (1)
basement aquifers (1)
Bathymetry (1)
Big data (1)
Black wattle (1)
Bulk chemistry Pore water chemistry (1)
Bushveld Igneous Complex (BIC) (1)
Cape Fold Belt (1)
Cape Town (1)
Capture principle (1)
Change detection (1)
characteristics (1)
Chemical partitioning (1)
Citizenship (1)
Climatic conditions (1)
Coal ash (1)
Coastal aquifer (1)
Coastal Aquifers (1)
Communally-managed systems (1)
Community based management (1)
Compressional velocity (1)
Cop production (1)
Crop coefficients (1)
Crop production (1)
Crystalline aquifers (1)
Cyclicity (1)
Decision model (1)
Deep marine (1)
Depositional environments (1)
Deterministic mathematical models (1)
Digital Elevation Modelling (DEM) (1)
Dissolved soluble salts (1)
Dry disposed fly ash (1)
Dryland areas (1)
Dryland pools (1)
Dwyka Group (1)
Early cretaceous (1)
Eastern Dahomey Basin (1)