Magister Philosophiae - MPhil (Religion and Theology)
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The ''silence'' of the church in South Africa on rape
(University of the Western Cape, 1997)Rape is a complex issue with many faces. Different researchers from the field of psychology to sociology have attempted to understand rape. ln some psychological studies, rape is considered as a psychological disorder. ... -
lnterreligious dialogue and the colonial legacy: A critical assessment of current models for interreligious dialogue as tools toward reconciliation in the South African context
(University of Western Cape, 1998)This chapter will start the debate by concentrating on the phenomenon or occurrence of religious pluralism. Thereafter, the reasons for its existence and its importance in providing a system of coexistence in mutuality ... -
Food relief or food security? A study of the policies and programmes of four Muslim social welfare organisations in South Africa
(University of Western Cape, 2021)Food is a basic need, but there is nothing simple, rudimentary, and straightforward about its provision, production, distribution, preparation, or consumption. The provision of food is regarded as an act of great virtue ... -
The Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification (1999): A Comparison of the implied positions of Simon Maimela and Klaus Nürnberger
(2021)The Protestant reformation in the 16th century led to some of the major and long-lasting schisms in global Christianity. The doctrine of justification was at the core of Lutheran schism which was triggered by the papal ... -
Representations of Islam and Muslims on a public broadcast television programme in South Africa: A Case Study of An Nur the Light
(University of Western Cape, 2021)For decades literature on Islam and Muslims utilised nomenclature which drew from commentary within news and mass media that perpetuated bias representations of Islam and Muslims as dangerous, violent, threats to democratic ... -
A critical analysis of the ordained leadership in the Full Gospel Church of South Africa
(University of the Western Cape, 2020)This research stems from a personal internal conflict and concern regarding the impact the local church is making in the community and on its congregational members. Through personal involvement in the Full Gospel Church ... -
The effective functioning of church community in moral formation: the narrative approach of robin gill
(University of the Western Cape, 2020)This research is set out as a narrative analysis of the functioning of church communities in moral formation from the selected congregations in the Diocese of Cape Town of the Anglican Church of Southern Africa (ACSA). The ... -
Reasons for the insertion of the incomparability of God in Solomon's prayer
(University of the Western Cape, 2007)In this minithesis, I argue that the prime reason of the Deuteronomistic Historian (Dtr) for inserting the incomparability of God in Solomon's prayer is to convey his (Dtr's) theological interpretation of the history of ... -
Ma'at in Egipte en veranderinge in die Amarna periode
(University of Western Cape, 1998)Gedurende die Amama Periode vind daar belangrike gebeure plaas wat ingrypende veranderinge in die lewe van die Egiptiese mens teweeg gebring het. Na die dood van Akhenaten, is hierdie koning, wat bekendheid daarvoor verwerf ... -
Exploring the commonalities between Stanley Hauerwas and James H Cone’s narrative approaches for moral formation for post-Apartheid South Africa
(University of the Western Cape, 2019)This thesis will investigate the narrative approach to moral formation by comparing the narrative paradigm as espoused by James H. Cone and Stanley Hauerwas and will apply the findings to post-Apartheid South Africa. I ... -
The parousia-expectation: does it have any effect on mission? A historical-missiological perspective of the pentecostal movement
(University of Western Cape, 1997)Although there were various small Pentecostal experiences (like baptismsin the Holy Spirit accompanied by glossolalia utterances) just before and after the beginning of the twentieth century, the origin of the Pentecostals ... -
The reign of King Manasseh in the Deuteronomist history and the Chronicler’s history: A study in reception
(University of the Western Cape, 2019)One of the most marked differences between the Deuteronomic History and that of the Chronicler concerns the assessment of King Manasseh’s reign. The Deuteronomist portrays Manasseh as the most evil of all Judah’s kings ... -
The implementation of Islamic perspectives on nutrition in the context of Muslim faith-based organisations in Cape Town
(University of the Western Cape, 2018)South African debates on food security address a wide range of issues related to the production, the distribution and the consumption of food in the context of deep concerns over the impact of poverty, unemployment and ... -
A case study of the debate on homosexuality within the United Methodist Church
(University of the Western Cape, 2013)Of all the Christian denominations in the United States, the United Methodist Church (UMC) is one of three probably experiencing the greatest amount of conflict over the rights of its members who practice homosexuality. ... -
An assessment of recent ethical discourses on globalization: comparing the critique of Joseph Stiglitz on global capital with ecumenical globalization debates on the Accra declaration
(University of the Western Cape, 2013)This research will investigate how globalization developed its own ethical discourse, based on perceived benefits and failures; also how it could be transformed within the global economic sphere, based on critique and ... -
Missionary tendencies in the Methodist Church of Southern Africa, 1980 to 2000: a critical history
(University of the Western Cape, 2015)The problem that will be investigated in this research project may be formulated in the following way: Which tendencies may be identified in the mission programmes of the Methodist Church of Southern Africa during the ... -
Towards a theology of inculturation and transformation: theological reflections on the practice of initiation rites in Masasi district in Tanzania
(2009)The aim of my research project is to give a theological reflection on the practice of initiation rites within Masasi district, in south-east Tanzania. While initiation remains a very significant tradition among the Yao, ... -
Libation in African Christian Theology: a critical comparison of the views of Kwasi Sarpong, Kwesi Dickson, John Pobee and Kwame Bediako
(University of the Western Cape, 2005)The issue of libation poses an important challenge to Christianity in Africa and, more specifically, among the Akan people in Ghana. Libation is traditionally a key ritual for the Akan as an ethnic group. However, the ...