Now showing items 81-180 of 68

Dental care (1)
Dental caries. (1)
Dental clinics (1)
Dental decay (1)
Dental health (1)
Dental health education (1)
Dental hygiene (1)
Dental literature (1)
Dental Mechanicians Act (1)
Dental pain (1)
Dental patients (1)
Dental public health (1)
Dental treatment (1)
Dental visits (1)
Dentine bonding agents (1)
Dentition (1)
Dento-alveolar ( DA) (1)
Dentures (1)
Department of National Health and Population Development (DNHPD) (1)
Depression (1)
Developmental Anomalies (1)
Disease burden (1)
Disease impact (1)
Dose-response (1)
Early childhood caries (1)
Early Diagnosis (1)
Ectopic Maxillary Canines (1)
Edentulousness (1)
Effectiveness (1)
EikenelIa (1)
Enemel disturbance (1)
Epidemiological (1)
Epidemiology (1)
Epiteelweefsel (1)
Equity of access (1)
Eruption (1)
Eukariotiese (1)
Evaluation (1)
Factors influencing (1)
Fissure sealants (1)
Flouride exposure (1)
Fluoride concentrate in ground water (1)
Fluoride-Ion Specific Electrode (FISE) (1)
Fluoried (1)
Food security (1)
Fusobacterium (1)
Gauteng (1)
Gingivitis (1)
Global epidemiolory (1)
Global healthcare (1)
Global Positioning System (GPS) (1)
Haematological malignancies (1)
Health (1)
Health care services (1)
Health education (1)
Health promotion (1)
Health Visitor Questionnaire (HVQ) (1)
Healthy teeth (1)
Hidrofilies (1)
Hidrofobies (1)
Hidroksied (1)
HIV counselling and testing (1)
HIV-infected persons (1)
Hormonal variations (1)
Hospital care (1)
Hospital oral care protocol (1)
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) (1)
Human Immunodeficient Virus (HIV) (1)
Human resources for oral health (1)
Immunologic status of the patient (1)
Impact of HIV/AIDS (1)
Implementation (1)
Improved oral health care (1)
In vitro (1)
Indices (1)
Inpatients' Mortality (1)
Interceptive Orthodontics (1)
Internationale Dental Federation (IDF) (1)
Kalsiumfosfaat (1)
Kalsiumsout (1)
Karoo (1)
Karoo Region (1)
Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice (1)
Kurrikulum (1)
KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) (1)
Lamina propria (1)
Langkloof (1)
Lip piercing (1)
Magna Charta of Dentistry Act (1)
Malocclusion (1)
Masticatory function (1)
Medical policy (1)
Mitochondria (1)
Mitochondrie (1)
Mixed Dentition (1)
Mortality (1)
Mossel Bay (1)
Mouse fibroblast (1)
Muscle tenderness and limited movement (1)
Musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) (1)