Browsing Magister Educationis - MEd (Comparative Education) by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 61
Ideology and the training of history at colleges of education in South teachers Africa
(University of the Western Cape, 1990)This dissertation is an attempt at locating the connections that there exist between ideolog and education. To this end I have looked at the training of History teachers at Colleges of Education under the Department of ... -
Probleemstelling en terrreinafbakening
(University of the Western Cape, 1991)Een van rLie id.eale in terslBre on,1.errig is waarskynlik om akademiese :=elfwerksaamheid en onafhanklikheld by studente te bewerkstellig. Vir die student om tot akademiese self-werksaamtreid te ontwikkel is dit na my ... -
Objective teacher evaluation and democracy in a changing South Africa
(University of the Western Cape, 1992)In this minithesis I attempt to explain what could be meant by an objective and democratic teacher evaluation system. The central question which I address is whether the current South African teacher evaluation system could ... -
Promoting participatory teaching and learning in the senior primary classroom
(University of the Western Cape, 1994)Educational change is perhaps one of the most difficult processes that teachers might, experience in search of democratising their classroom practices. Being a traditional mathematics teacher who resorted to autocratic ... -
Demokratisering van die gesagsverhouding: 'n aksienavorsingprojek
(University of the Western Cape, 1995)This mini-thesis is about an action research project that started in my classroom in order to improve or change my teaching practice. I wanted to involve the pupils in classroom activities so as to promote pupil involvement. ... -
Die moomtlike spanning tussen die opvoedkundtge en die politieke verantwoordelikttede van die opvoeder
(University of the Western Cape, 1995)Die motivering vir die keuse van di6 onderwerp spruit uit die spanni-ng wat daar tussen hierdie twee verantwoordel-ikhede van die onderwyser binne die formele skoolopset bestaan. Hj-erdie spanning veroorsaak onsekerhej-d ... -
Response to multilingualism: Language support in a Western Cape primary school
(University of the Western Cape, 1996)Multilingualism has always been a feature of South African Education. It is only in recent years that a particular form of linguistic diversity has become unmanageable for schools implementing the official English Afrikaans ... -
To move with a different view a critical review of physical education in South Africa
(University of the Western Cape, 1996)The purpose of this study lies in its contribution to a critical analysis of physical education in South Africa and the provision of a framework aimed at its reconstruction, by pointing to the characteristics of a curriculum ... -
How is the organisational success of a school assessed by students, parents, staff and educational administration?: A case study of a high school in the Western Cape
(University of the Western Cape, 1997)This study examines how the various stakeholder groups assess the degree of school organisational success. A review of the literature relating to organisational success and school administrative theory provides a theoretical ... -
Understanding effective primary school management: A Qualitative Study of Selected Schools in the Western Cape
(University of the Western Cape, 1998)The SA Schools Act (1996, p. 2) acknowledges that the past system of education was based on segregation and racial inequality. Prior to 1994, at the national level, the Department of National Education (DNE) was responsible ... -
Does ethnic diversity feature as an issue in open schools?
(University of the Western Cape, 1998)There is more to the phrase "South African schools belong to all South African children". While it sounds simple and true there is more to it in the case of the schools which once excluded other race groups under the ... -
Does ethnic diversity feature as an issue in open schools?
(University of Western Cape, 1998)There is more to the phrase "South African schools belong to all South African children". While it sounds simple and true there is more to it in the case of the schools which once excluded other race groups under the ... -
Identifying the problems and needs of beginner teachers in senior secondary schools in the Western Cape townships
(University of the Western Cape, 1999)The research study identifies the problems and needs of beginner teachers in senior secondary schools in the Western Cape townships. It identifies the kind of support that was received immediately before and after starting ... -
The induction and professional socialisation of beginner teachers in Cape Town schools
(University of the Western Cape, 1999)This study has its roots in my striving to become a competent teacher. Despite being armed with a teaching qualification, I found that I was ill-prepared for the rigours of the classroom and the broader school environment. ... -
Parental participation in school governing body in relation to employment of teachers
(University of the Western Cape, 1999)This study examines how and the extent to which parents participate in the decision making process in school governing bodies in relation to teacher employment. To determine the nature and extent of parental participation ... -
An analysis of the nature of parental involvement in school governance
(University of the Western Cape, 2000)The study is in response to the recently enacted South African Schools Act No. 84 of 1996 (SASA), which sees the legislated inclusion of parents in school governing bodies. The Act promotes four distinct representative ... -
Towards defining the role of the school inspector as multi-functional educational manager and administrator in Namibia
(University of the Western Cape, 2000)This study is an attempt to define the role of the school inspector as a multi-functional educational manager and administrator in Namibia. It aims at understanding the situation that prevails in the inspectorate in order ... -
Eritrean primary school teachers' perceptions of the relationship between pre-service education and the demands of the workplace
(University of the Western Cape, 2001)This study investigates six Eritrean primary school teacher's perceptions of their pre-service education. Six primary school teachers from three different schools in two different regions of Eritrea were interviewed. The ... -
Analysis of the relationship between teacher characteristics and learner performance in english reading in Namibia
(University of the Western Cape, 2001)This mini thesis investigates the relationship between teacher characteristics and learner performance in English reading in Namibia. The level of performance in national examinations is often linked to the level of English ... -
An analysis of the concept participation in South African education policy texts from 1980-1996
(University of the Western Cape, 2002)This mini thesis traces the concept 'participation' in South African education policy texts from 1980-1996. Bowe, Ball and Gold's (1992) conceptualization of the policy process guides the analysis in terms of the context ...