Now showing items 1-80 of 26

Access network selection (2)
Cloud computing (2)
Clustering (2)
Field workforce (2)
Fuzzy logic (2)
Fuzzy multiple attributes decision making (2)
Genetic algorithm (2)
Information retrieval (IR) (2)
Information technology (2)
Intelligent and optimal vertical handoff decision algorithm (2)
Mathematical optimization (2)
Multimode mobile terminal (2)
Next generation wireless network (2)
Seamless communication (2)
Seamless mobility (2)
Simulated annealing (2)
Vertical handoff (2)
Vertical handoff decision (2)
Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) (2)
Adaptive networks (1)
Aerial vehicles (1)
Ant colony optimization (ACO) (1)
Applied computing (1)
Artificial intelligence techniques (1)
Artificial Neural Network (ANN) (1)
Authentication (1)
Authorization (1)
Bioinformatic applications (1)
Computational grid (1)
Computer algorithms (1)
Computer science (1)
Computer skills (1)
Computer-assisted instruction (1)
Context awareness (1)
Contextual information (1)
Cooperative data (1)
Covertext (1)
Cryptanalysis (1)
Curriculum (1)
Cyber attack (1)
Cybersecurity (1)
Data availability (1)
Data model (1)
Decryption (1)
Digital Signature (1)
Discrete (1)
e-learning (1)
Educational technology (1)
eLearning (1)
Energy holes (1)
Energy model (1)
Energy optimization (1)
Eukaryotic Promoter Database (EPD) (1)
Evolution algorithm (1)
Evolutionary algorithm (1)
Facial action coding system (1)
Facial expression recognition (1)
Fog computing (1)
Frequently asked questions (FAQ) (1)
Genetic algorithms (1)
Genetic programming (Computer science) (1)
Grid computing (1)
Hand-tracking (1)
Hidden Markov Model (HMM) (1)
Hidden markov model algorithms (1)
Hierarchical routing (1)
Higher education institutions (1)
Information communication technology (1)
Information Management Body of Knowledge (IMBOK) (1)
Information systems--Standards (1)
Information technology--Standards (1)
Instructional systems Design (1)
Interactive reinforcement learning (IRL) (1)
Internet in education (1)
Internet of things (IoT) (1)
Interoperability (1)
Learning management systems (1)
Libya (1)
Machine (1)