Now showing items 241-340 of 93

Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (1)
Microprocessor operations (1)
Mobile apps (1)
Mobile banking (1)
Mobile communication (1)
Mobile communication tool (1)
Mobile devices (1)
Mobile logging (1)
Mobile phone browser (1)
Mobile presentations (1)
MobileSouth Africa (1)
Monte Carlo integration (1)
Motivation (1)
Movement Hold Model (MHM) (1)
MPEG-4 (1)
Multi-assets option (1)
Multi-factor Gaussian distribution function (1)
Multi-modal (1)
Multi-modal Authentication (1)
Multi-modal authentication (1)
Multi-vector attack detection (1)
Multicast (1)
Multimedia (1)
Multimedia message service (1)
MySQL (1)
Network architecture and design (1)
Network communication (1)
Network communications/Network topology/Wireless communication (1)
Network element (1)
Network monitoring/Public networks (1)
Networking Selection (1)
Neural networks (Computer science) (1)
Noise (1)
Numerical simulations (1)
Occlusion (1)
Open modelling animation framework (1)
Open Source (1)
Operating System (1)
Operating systems (Computers) (1)
Operations system optimisation (1)
Optimisation (1)
Optimization (1)
Option-pricing model (1)
Participatory design (1)
Patient management (1)
Performance (1)
Performance analysis and design aids (1)
Performance and design aids (1)
Performance and Reliability (1)
Performance measures (1)
Performance of Systems (1)
Personal computer (PC) (1)
Phonemes (1)
Piezo microphones (1)
Podcasting (1)
Poisson probability distribution (1)
Policy based network management (1)
Pose recognition and estimation (1)
Pre-Processing (1)
Prerecorded sign language video (1)
Privacy Protection (1)
Privacy protection (1)
Program Conventions (1)
Python (1)
Quality of service (1)
Queueing theory (1)
Rainfall (1)
Rand-Dollar exchange rate (1)
Raspberry Pi (1)
Receiver Operating Characteristic (1)
Recognition and Animation (1)
Recognition system (1)
Recurrence (1)
recurrent neural networks (1)
Rotation (1)
Routing protocols/Wireless mesh network (1)
Rural area (1)
Salt and pepper (1)
Samuelson model (1)
SASL (1)
Scrum (1)
Segmentation (1)
Self-adjusting Trees (1)
Self-protected networks (1)
Service life-cycle management (1)
Service logic (1)
Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) (1)
Short message service (SMS) (1)
Sign Language (1)
Sign language animations (1)
signature verification (1)
SignSupport (1)
SignWriting (1)
Simple network management protocol (1)
Smallholder (1)
SoftBridge (1)
SoftBridgeexecution environment (1)
Software and its engineering (1)
Software design (1)
Software engineering (1)