Magister Scientiae Dentium - MSc(Dent) (Diagnostics and Radiology)
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Incidental calcifications s of the head and neck on CBCT scans
(University of the Western Cape, 2022)One of the most notable additions to the dental imaging armamentarium is the introduction of cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) scanning in general dental practices. The multi-planar functionality of CBCT allows for ... -
A study of some cultural characteristics and blood serum antibodies: titers 0f enterococci isolated from the mouth and faeces
(1975)Crevicular epithelium presents no effective barrier to the biologicaJly active constituents of plaque. Moreover, it seems that the production of circulating antibodies, the development of a state of delayed hypersensitivity ... -
A comparison of two liner materials for use in the ferric sulfate pulpotomy
(University of the Western Cape, 2004)Pulp therapy in the primary dentition has always been a source of much controversy. Different pulpotomy techniques and medicaments have been covered extensively in the literature but due to the increasing awareness of the ... -
Cephalometric landmark detection: Artificial intelligence vs human examination
(University of Western Cape, 2021)Cephalometric landmark detection is important for accurate diagnosis and treatment planning. The most common cause of random errors, in both computer-aided cephalometry and manual cephalometric analysis, is inconsistency ... -
Prevalence and location of the secondary mesiobuccal canal in the maxillary first and second permanent molars using cbct; In a sample of the Libyan population’
(University of Western Cape, 2021)Previously, many studies have used cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) to detect and confirm the exact location of the MB2 canal in maxillary molars. It is now considered the gold standard, as it allows clinicians to ... -
The validity of bite mark evidence for legal purposes
(University of Western Cape, 2021)Bite mark evidence has been admitted into US courts since the 1870s. It quickly gained popularity after the conviction of W.E. Marx in 1974 for manslaughter using primarily bite mark evidence. However, since the development ... -
Sexual dimorphism by measuring the mesiodistal width of the permanent maxillary and mandibular canine in a sample of the South African population in the Northern Suburb of Cape Town.
(University of the Western Cape, 2019)Human identification is one of the major responsibilities in the field of Forensic Odontology as it plays a role in identifying deceased individuals using their oral and dental structures. Furthermore, human identification ... -
Sex estimation using the diagonal diameter measurements of first mandibular molars in a Sudanese sample
(University of the Western Cape, 2020)Sexual identification of immature skeletal remains is still a complicated issue to solve in Forensic Anthropology. Sexual dimorphism is the condition where the two sexes of the same species exhibit different characteristics ... -
Diagnostic accuracy of maxillary periapical pathology perforating the sinus floor: a comparison of pantomograph and CBCT images
(University of Western Cape, 2020)Periapical lesions are fairly common pathology associated with the apex of a non-vital tooth. Some chronic lesions develop without an acute phase with no recollection of previous symptoms. It is known that maxillary ... -
Volumetric changes of maxillary sinus post augmentation using CBCT
(University of Western Cape, 2020)By evaluating the air volume of the maxillary sinus pre-operatively (Reading 1 – V1) and postoperatively, 3-6 months later (Reading 2 – V2) the changes using different augmentation materials will be ascertained. Additionally, ... -
The prevalence and pattern of mid facial fractures at Tygerberg oral health centre
(University of the Western Cape, 2019)Background: Changing trends have been observed in the prevalence, etiology, imaging practice and pattern of presentation of mid facial fractures in different geographical regions. Conventional (plain) radiographs remain ... -
The accuracy of the mental foramen position on panoramic radiographs and CBCT
(University of the Western Cape, 2017)Data was analysed from 31 archived cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) images and Digital panoramic radiographs (DP) for the same patients taken on the same x-ray machine (Carestream CS9000 3D). The position and ... -
The effective accuracy of dental records in forensic dental identification in Sudan
(University of the Western Cape, 2013)In Sudan there are currently no programmes targeting dentists to improve their own knowledge about how they can be part of human identification by keeping good dental records. In addition, no guidelines are stated by the ... -
A cone beam analysis of the maxillary bony canal
(University of the Western Cape, 2013)Aim: To determine the prevalence and diameter of the maxillary end osseous canal which carries the anastomosis of the infra alveolar artery (a branch of the posterior superior alveolar artery) and the infra- orbital artery. ... -
Oral cancer knowledge, attitudes and practices among dentists in Khartoum State, Sudan
(University of the Western Cape, 2014)The aim of the present study was to determine the knowledge, attitude and practice of dentists related to oral cancer prevention and early detection in public dental clinics in Khartoum State, Sudan -
A retrospective analysis of the non-odontogenic malignancies of the jaws using panoramic radiography
(2013)Aim: The aim of this study was to report on the frequency of and radiographic features of non-odontogenic malignancies of the jaws as seen on panoramic images, stored in the radiological achieves over an eleven year period. -
An in vitro study of composite repair
(2007)The aim of this study is to investigate the repair bond strength of composite resin following micromechanical and chemical means of retention in improving the repair of composite resin specimens. -
Palatal rugae patterns in a sudanese population sample
(2013)Palatal Rugae Patterns in a Sudanese Population Sample Palatal rugae are ridges resulted from symmetrical and irregular mucosal folds of tissue and located in the alveolar third of the palate. Palatal rugae identification ... -
Knowledge and attitudes of dentists towards evidence-based dentistry in Lagos, Nigeria
(University of the Western Cape, 2008)This was a cross-sectional study done in Lagos, Nigeria on 114 dentists. The aim of the study was to describe the knowledge and attitudes of dentists towards the concept of evidence-based dentistry (EBD). This study also ... -
Comparison of an essential oil mouth rinse and chlorhexidine on 4-day interproximal plaque regrowth
(University of the Western Cape, 2006)Dental plaque is the most important etiological factor of periodontal diseases. Mechanical plaque control is the most effective way in preventing periodontal diseases. Chemical plaque control methods (such as mouthrinses) ...