Browsing Faculty of Education by Title
Now showing items 373-392 of 762
Ideaal en werklikheid in die opleiding van verpleegkundiges in Suid-Afrika: ‘n Aksienavorsingsbenadering tot praktykyerbetering
(University of the Western Cape, 1997)This dissertation documents the attempt to address one of the major problems in nursing education i.e. the existing gap between the educational philosophy of nursing and nursing education practices, by means of an action ... -
Identifying academic reading strategies in a multilingual context
(University of the Western Cape, 2014)In this thesis I explore the complexity of FL (Foreign Language) reading through qualitatively and quantitatively analysing the forms, ways, and mechanisms applied by adult readers at tertiary university education level ... -
Identifying the problems and needs of beginner teachers in senior secondary schools in the Western Cape townships
(University of the Western Cape, 1999)The research study identifies the problems and needs of beginner teachers in senior secondary schools in the Western Cape townships. It identifies the kind of support that was received immediately before and after starting ... -
Identifying the social and environmental factors that shape the achievement levels of grade 12 learners from two rural schools in the Oshikoto region of Namibia
(University of Western Cape, 2013)The primary purpose of this study was to understand how certain factors could contribute to the low achievement levels of Grade 12 learners from two selected rural schools. For the purpose of this research these two schools ... -
Identity construction through English second language learning : a case study of French speaking students at the University of the Western Cape
(University of the Western Cape, 2014)The purpose of this case study was to investigate how the Francophone students from Congo, Gabon and Cameroon negotiated competence and identities in English (L2) in and outside the classroom. The study also aimed at ... -
Ideology and the training of history at colleges of education in South teachers Africa
(University of the Western Cape, 1990)This dissertation is an attempt at locating the connections that there exist between ideolog and education. To this end I have looked at the training of History teachers at Colleges of Education under the Department of ... -
Impact of a partnership programme of African universities: A study of the perceptions of a group of white South African academics of their learning experiences
(University of the Western Cape, 2004)This research project was an in-depth case study, an investigation of a small sample of white South African male academics from the University of Cape Town who were part of the USHEPiA (University Science, Humanities, and ... -
The impact of educational attainment on youth poverty in South Africa
(2021)Improving South Africa’s educational attainment levels has always been one of the policies of the democratic government en route to alleviating poverty and unemployment. The endeavours are mostly evident in the fiscal ... -
The impact of using technology through cooperative learning on learners’ performance on grade 11 circle geometry
(University of the Western Cape, 2019)Euclidean geometry was recently re-introduced as a compulsory topic in the Mathematics Curriculum for learners in the Further Education and Training (FET) band in 2012. The diagnostic analysis reports on the National ... -
The impact of using technology through cooperative learning on learners’ performance on grade 11 circle geometry
(University of the Western Cape, 2019-11)Euclidean geometry was recently re-introduced as a compulsory topic in the Mathematics Curriculum for learners in the Further Education and Training (FET) band in 2012. The diagnostic analysis reports on the National ... -
The impact of using technology through cooperative learning on learners’ performance on grade 11 circle geometry
(University of the Western Cape, 2019)Euclidean geometry was recently re-introduced as a compulsory topic in the Mathematics Curriculum for learners in the Further Education and Training (FET) band in 2012. The diagnostic analysis reports on the National Senior ... -
The impact of using technology through cooperative learning on learners’ performance on grade 11 circle geometry
(University of the Western Cape, 2019)Euclidean geometry was recently re-introduced as a compulsory topic in the Mathematics Curriculum for learners in the Further Education and Training (FET) band in 2012. The diagnostic analysis reports on the National Senior ... -
The impact of using technology through cooperative learning on learners’ performance on grade 11 circle geometry
(University of the Western Cape, 2020)Euclidean geometry was recently re-introduced as a compulsory topic in the Mathematics Curriculum for learners in the Further Education and Training (FET) band in 2012. The diagnostic analysis reports on the National Senior ... -
The impact of video stimulated recall on the continuous professional development of in-service mathematics teachers
(University of the Western Cape, 2022)This study analysed mathematics teachers‘ reflection through Video Stimulated Recall (VSR), by investigating whether the four participating teachers change their teaching behaviour, after witnessing their live lesson ... -
The implementation of the revised national curriculum statement in the foundation phase, with specific reference to integration and progression
(2010)This mini thesis analyses and describes the implementation of the National Curriculum in the Foundation Phase of the primary school. On the 24th of May 1997 South Africa launched a new curriculum, Curriculum 2005 (C2005). ... -
Implementing an HIV/AIDS literacy programme in a grade 11 class: an action research study
(University of the Western Cape, 2006)This research study attempted to highlight an in-depth exploration of my own classroom practice as a teacher at a high school in the Western Cape. A key goal of this research study was the quest for professional development ... -
Implementing an intentional teaching model to investigate grade 9 learners’ ways of working with rational algebraic fractions
(University of the Western Cape, 2019)In South Africa it is widely known that most learners struggle with mathematics. The results for mathematics are poor. The department of basic education offers a number of intervention programmes to assist learners in ... -
Implementing an intentional teaching model to investigate the algebraic reasoning of grade 9 mathematics learners
(University of the Western Cape, 2019)This research has employed an intentional teaching model to investigate the algebraic reasoning of grade 9 learners from a low socio-economic background. It has also sought to study how learners engage with algebra to make ... -
Implementing Educational Innovations: The case of the Secondary School Curriculum Diversification Programme in Lesotho
(University of the Western Cape, 1991)Between 1974 and 1982 the MOE introduced in two phases the diversification programme [SSCDP] which sought to establish practical subjects in the secondary school curriculum. This study examines the sustainability of ... -
Implementing lifelong learning at a Technikon in South Africa
(University of Western Cape, 2001)The nature of lifelong learning in the context of a South African technikon is the investigation focus of this mini-thesis. It argues for the adoption of a holistic and humanistic conceptualization to lifelong learning ...