The regionalisation of international criminal justice in Africa
This study was undertaken under the South African-German Centre for Transnational Criminal
Justice, University of the Western Cape (UWC), South Africa and Humboldt Universitat zu
Berlin, Germany. The Centre provided a conducive environment, both in Berlin and Cape
Town for the successful completion of this research. I am grateful for the support that was
rendered by the staff for the centre and these are: Professor Gerhard Werle, my supervisor and
Co-Director of the Centre, Professor Lovell Fernandez, Co-Director of the Centre, and
Professor Raymond Koen. I am also thankful to Dr. Moritz Vormbaum, Coordinator of the
Program, Windell Nortje, Coordinator UWC and all the administrative staff and these are Anja
Schepke, Hazel Jeftha and Farieda Hendricks.