Obesity in Children: Environmental and Parental Influences. The Case Study of Khayelitsha in South Africa
Overweight and Obesity are conditions of excessive fat accumulation in the body of an
individual. Due to the growing prevalence of the obesity epidemic, obesity has become a global
public health concern. Overweight among South African children is on the increase as many
young people now suffer from diseases related to obesity. Given the prevalent conditions of
weight gain amongst children, tackling obesity in children should be given greater attention as
children are twice at risk of becoming obese in the later stage in life. Such intentional efforts
could contribute significantly to reducing public spending in the treatment of noncommunicable
disease. This research aimed at understanding the Environmental and Parental
Factors Influencing childhood overweight and obesity. The research identified the different
factors that were associated with child overweight and obesity in the study area. Besides, the
research was aimed at raising awareness of the need to sensitize parents and stakeholders on
the factors associated to child obesity and proposed possible recommendations. To achieve
these aims, one of the objectives was to statistically evaluate the extent of the prevalence of
overweight and obesity in the study area as well as identify the types of food choices available
to children. Furthermore, it analyzed dietary intake in households with obese parents and
children, to determine the relationships that exist.