Now showing items 124-132 of 132

  • Test of the overreaction hypothesis in the South African stock market 

    Itaka, Jose Kumu (University of the Western Cape, 2014)
    This research undertakes to investigate both long-term and short-term investor overreaction on the JSE Limited (JSE) over the period from 1 January 2002 to 31 December 2009. The period covers the restructuring and reform ...
  • Throughput of UWC students who did at least one semester of third-year Statistics 

    Latief, Abduraghiem (University of the Western Cape, 2005)
    The study explores the completion rates (the number of years a student takes to complete a degree) of graduates at the University of the Western Cape (UWC) in South Africa. The graduates in the study all did at least one ...
  • Topogenous orders and their applications on lattices 

    Iragi, Bakulikira Claude (University of the Western Cape, 2024)
    In his influential book, [Cs´a63] A. Cs´asz´ar developed the well-known theory of syntopogenous ´ structures on a set. His intention was to create a comprehensive framework that simultaneously encompasses the study of ...
  • Topogenous Structures on Categories 

    Iragi, Minani (University of the Western Cape, 2016)
    Although the interior operators correspond to a special class of neighbourhood operators, the closure operators are not nicely related to the latter. We introduce and study the notion of topogenous orders on a category ...
  • Topogenous structures on categories 

    Iragi, Minani (University of the Western Cape, 2016)
    Although the interior operators correspond to a special class of neighbourhood operators, the closure operators are not nicely related to the latter. We introduce and study the notion of topogenous orders on a category ...
  • Transport modelling in the Cape Town Metropolitan Area 

    Munyakazi, Justin Bazimaziki (University of the Western Cape, 2005)
    The use of MEPLAN by the Metropolitan Transport Planning Branch of the Cape Town City Council since 1984 was not successful due to apartheid anomalies. EMME/2 was then introduced in 1991 in replacement of MEPLAN. In this ...
  • Ultrafilters and Compactification 

    Nxumalo, Mbekezeli Sibahle (UWC, 2020)
    In this thesis, we construct the ultrafilter space of a topological space using ultrafilters as points, study some of its properties and describe a method of generating compactifications through the ultrafilter space. As ...
  • Valuation of options for hedging against exchange rate exposure 

    Don, Marlon Junaide (University of the Western Cape, 2019)
    The risk associated with currency exposure is one of the main sources of risk in terms of internationally diversi ed portfolios. Controlling the risk is important for improving the performance of international investments. ...
  • Variances of purity within torsion-free Abelian groups 

    Van Ster, Lynnette (University of the Western Cape, 1994)
    In 1921, Prufer introduced the concept of a pure subgroup of an abelian group. This concept, which is applicable only to abelian groups, proved to be a very useful one. Subsequently, this concept has sparked off numerous ...