Magister Scientiae - MSc (Mathematics and Applied Mathematics)
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Computation of the character tables of certain group extensions
(University of the Western Cape, 1997)The work done in this mini thesis deals mainly with different methods of calculating character tables of split extensions of finite groups. Three of the six character tables that are calculated are done with the use of ... -
Modelling the basel III capital adequacy and net stable funding ratios for a commercial bank following an optimal investment strategy
(University of the Western Cape, 2024)Commercial banks have a significant impact on a country’s economy as they raise capital, create liquidity by converting their customers’ deposits into loans, and deliver essential services such as loans, certificates of ... -
A categorical study of persistent homology for closure space
(University of the Western Cape, 2023)We begin with the concept of closure space and show how it relates to other objects like graphs and metric spaces in categorical terms. We also study the notion of simplicial sets and show that there is an adjunction between ... -
Mathematical modeling of the population dynamics and optimal control of COVID-19 disease
(2024)Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, researchers speculated that this virus would create numerous challenges in the daily lives of individuals, especially medical and governmental authorities as they are put under ... -
Conjugacy classes of some projective linear groups
(University of the Western Cape, 1992)Given a finite set X of distinct symbols the symmetric group S* and the alternating group A* are obtained without further constructions. More interesting groups are contrived, however, by imposing a certain structure on ... -
Computation of the character tables of certain group extensions
(University of the Western Cape, 1997)In this chapter some basic theory on group extensions is first given in section 1.1 and then a method for finding the conjugacy classes of group extensions is described in section i.2. In section 1.3 we look at an example ... -
Singular integral equations and realization: A survey of the state space method
(University of the Western Cape, 1996)Different methods for solving singular integral equations exist. One of the most recent methods is the so-called state space method. This method is based on the fact that a rational matrix function VV(^) which is analytic ... -
A critical analysis of the pre-calculus course at U.W.C.
(University of the Western Cape, 2002)Mathematical knowledge and skills have, over the last few decades, become very important in terms of study and work opportunities. Unfortunately, schools in South Africa have not met the expectations of their pupils or the ... -
Conjugacy classes of some projective linear groups
(University of the Western Cape, 1992)Given a finite set X of distinct symbols the symmetric group Sx and the alternating group Ax are obtained without further constructions. More interesting groups are contrived, however, by imposing a certain structure on ... -
Computing Mislin genera of certain groups with non-abelian torsion radicals
(University of the Western Cape, 2004)In this mini-thesis we present some generalities of non-cancellation and localization and we compute non-cancellation groups. We consider groups belonging to the class X0 of all finitely generated groups that have finite ... -
Left versus right canonical wiener-hopf factorization for rational matrix functions: an alternative version
(University of the Western Cape, 1995)It is an established fact that both canonical and non-canonical Wiener-hopf factorizations of matrix functions play an important role in various aspects of mathematical analysis and its applications. Indeed, for instance, ... -
Generalization of a theorem of fitting on the product of two normal nilpotent subgroups of a group
(University of the Western Cape, 1977)Fitting proved that if H and K are normal nilpotent subgroups of G, then so is HK (t1 l'Hilfssatz 10, p. 100). The question arises if this result could be generalized to other group theoretical properties -
Maximal left ideals and idealizers in matrix rings
(University of the Western Cape, 1984)In this chapter we supply all the necessary definitions as well as the required results needed in this work. All the notation and terminology will also be explained carefully. §1 DEFINITIONS AND NOTATION R will always ... -
Character Tables Of Some Groups of Extension Type
(University of the Western Cape, 2002)The main aim of this mini-thesis is to give a description of some of the basic methods and techniques that have been developed to calculate the character tables of groups of extension type. We restrict our attention to ... -
In-service female teachers' anxieties about mathematics: a reflective study on mathematics classroom practice at a college of education
(UWC, 1994)The incidence of mathematics anxiety manifesting itself in in-service college students is generally on the increase. Such anxiety does not only affect the mathematical performance of students but also their teaching of the ... -
Maximal left ideals and idealizers in matrix rings
(University pf Stellenbosch, 1984)In this chapter we supply all the necessary definitions as well as the required results needed in this work. All the notation and terminology will also be explained carefully. -
Character tables of some groups of extension type
(University of the Western Cape, 2002)The main aim of this mini-thesis is to give a description of some of the basic methods and techniques that have been developed to calculate the character tables of groups of extension type. We restrict our attention to ... -
Block Toeplitz operators with rational symbols and discrete singular systems
(University of the Western Cape, 2001)This thesis concerns block Toeplitz operators (equations). Consider the block Toeplitz operator T = [<I> k-j ]k,j=O' where the <I>k are complex m x m matrices such that 00 (0.1) v=-oo The norm in (0.1) is the usual ... -
The determination of diffracted wave fields by an annulus according to Braunbek’s method
(University of the Western Cape, 1981)In this thesis a short wave approximation, the method oI W Braunbek, is used to determine the diffracted fields (acoustic and electromagnetic) of plane harmonic waves by an annular aperture. Integral representations ... -
An examination of a didactical procedure to engage first year university students in meaningful mathematical activity
(University of the Western Cape, 1996)The challenge to empower learners whose mathematical powers have been underdeveloped has lead the author to search for and implement teaching innovations designed to enhance students learning of mathematics. Undergraduate ...