Exploring intrinsic religiosity as a means to militate against risky sexual behaviour in adolescents from Christian faith-based schools
Adolescent sexual development forms a crucial role in the process of identity formation and the establishment of healthy romantic and social relationships. However, some adults are uncomfortable with the notion of adolescent sexuality, and would choose to remain in a state of denial or ignorance. It is pivotal that adults address the topic of adolescent sexuality. Numerous adolescents are not adequately guided by parents, educators, and church leaders. Hence, their lack of basic sexual knowledge or simply having erroneous ideas appertaining to sexuality may cause them to make very unwise sexual decisions. A number of adolescents routinely engage in behaviours that unknowingly put their health at risk. Amongst South African adolescents, sexual risk-taking behaviours including early coitarche, unprotected sex, multiple sex-partners and low contraceptive use are quite common.