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dc.contributor.advisorSwart, Elizabeth
dc.contributor.authorMabharwana, Nolukholo
dc.descriptionMagister Artium (Development Studies) - MA(DVS)en_US
dc.description.abstractFood is a basic human need – for survival, health and productivity. At the national level, South Africa is food secure; however, many households remain food insecure. Hunger among students has been identified as a significant challenge at South African universities. Studies on student hunger have been conducted at some universities in the country but little is known about the nature and prevalence of student hunger at the University of the Western Cape. The aim of this study was to investigate the various food programmes in operation at the university and to explore the perceptions of stakeholders, such as academic staff and students, about student hunger and their respective roles in combating hunger on campus.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Western Capeen_US
dc.subjectFood securityen_US
dc.subjectAcademic staffen_US
dc.subjectUniversity of the Western Capeen_US
dc.titleFood security at the University of the Western Cape: An exploration of actions and programmes to address student hungeren_US
dc.rights.holderUniversity of Western Capeen_US

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