Triaxiality and rotational bands in 133ce
The neutron-de cient nuclei between the N = 50 and N = 82 shell closures provide
rich information on the shape and structure of the nucleus. The isotones of 133Ce
and 131Ba (N = 75) lie in this region of the nuclear chart. The properties of two
recently discovered positive-parity rotational bands based on the g7=2 orbital were
studied in this work. The rotational bands in both nuclei are based on the 7=2+
state. The quasiparticle+triaxial rotor (QTR) model was used to understand
the dependence of the excitation energies and the signature splitting in these
bands as a function of triaxiality. In addition to triaxiality, the e ects of the
Coriolis interaction on the excitation energies and the signature splitting was also