Synthesis and characterization of ion implanted Pd/Ti/V/Pd/Ti based multilayer thin films using rutherford backscattering spectrometry (rbs) and elastic recoil detection analysis (erda) for hydrogen storage application
Hydrogen is regarded as an attractive, pollution-free energy carrier for future energy systems,
supported by its efficient energy conversion. Still, the challenge is its storage and transportation.
Hydrogen can either be stored as a liquid in cryogenic tanks, gas in high-pressure cylinders or as
a solid in metal hydrides. Metal hydrides are of research interest for hydrogen storage due to their
higher energy density as compared to the gas- or liquid form and metal hydrides are also relatively
safe. In this investigation, a Pd (25nm)/Ti (50nm)/V (50nm)/Pd (25nm) multilayer system was
prepared on commercially available pure titanium (CP-Ti) substrates using an electron beam
evaporator in order to investigate its viability for hydrogen storage.