An exploration of battered women's experiences and perceptions of a therapeutic intervention
ln view of the high incidence of women battering in South Africa and the limited intervention services available to assist battered women, this study aimed to explore the effectiveness of a particular intervention model. Most research in this area has focused on describing the problem of battering and little research is available on the impact of services. Working from a social-psychological-feminist perspective this study constituted an exploration of the perceptions and experiences of battered women who have utilized the National lnstitute for Crime and Rehabilitation of Offenders, Woman Support Centre (NICRO,wsc), in cape Town. The study aimed to investigate which areas of intervention were most effective or helpful and least helpful or lacking so that future intervention may be extended and improved. A' qualitative-descriptive research design was utilized to investigate the experience of battered women to ascertain their perceptions of the
effectiveness of this helping agency. Data was gathered primarily through three semi-structured focus group interviews, ten individual interviews and a questionnaire which all participants completed. A thematic analysis was carried out on the transcriptions of the
data. Three significant themes including a number of sub-themes emerged suggesting that the intervention services of NWSC were helpful and effective in meeting the women's needs. The themes centred around the women's positive experience of emotional and structural support and the experience of a change in their sense of self which facilitated an increase in self-esteem and confidence, greater independence and assertion skills, and improved communication and problem solving ability. In addition, important systemic changes such as changes in their relationships with partners, children and other family members were seen to occur after utilization of NWSC services. The participants perceived these multiple factors as enabling them to take control of their lives and their futures' The findings suggest that additional qualitative research is needed in order to improve intervention services for battered women as well as their families.