The interstellar medium scaling relations in cosmological simulations
This work presents the scaling relations for the redshift zero galaxies in the SIMBA1
cosmological hydrodynamic simulations. The aim is to test the degree to which the
SIMBA simulations reproduce the physical properties observed in real galaxies, as this
simulation has advanced dust models that will better our understanding of hydrodynamic
simulation’s sub-grid models, galaxy formation, and galaxy evolution. To achieve this,
we studied and compared the scaling relations of observed galaxies from the DustPedia2
observational database and the scaling relations of the SIMBA simulated galaxies. We
selected galaxies ranging from a minimum stellar mass of 109M⊙ and a minimum specific
star-formation of 1010.5/yr to the upper limit of the galaxies in the snapshot. These
selection criteria are used to make sure that our sample contains galaxies with an active
interstellar medium3(ISM).