Risk factors associated with the presence of cervical lesions in women attending a family planning clinic in Harare Zimbabwe: A cross-sectional study
Cervical cancer is the fourth most common cancer affecting women worldwide.
It is the second most common malignancy in Sub-Saharan countries such as Zimbabwe.
Various risk factors are associated with cervical cancer. Data on cervical cancer incidence and
prevalence in Zimbabwe is collected through the Zimbabwe National Cancer Registry.
However, data on socio-demographic and sexual behavioural risk factors associated with
cervical cancer in the Zimbabwean context is limited. Papanicolaou (Pap) smears, when given
as part of routine primary care have shown to decrease the incidence of cervical cancer but so
far, no study has been done in Zimbabwe to characterise women that are accessing Pap smear
testing, the outcomes of these Pap smears, and the risk factors associated with cervical cancer
outcomes in Zimbabwean women.