An enquiry into the factors impeding the career advancement of women academics at Peninsula Technikon
The aim of the study was to determine the factors that impede the career advancement of women academics at Peninsula Technikon, an academic institution in South Africa. There are many variables which need to be addressed systematically, but the present research focused on two factors: to determine whether women academics at the institution experienced difficulty in balancing career and family demands (role salience), and to determine which barriers impacted on the career advancement of women academics at the institution. Research interest in the influence of gender on advancement was stimulated by the relative scarcity of women at the top echelon of academic institutions. Women continue to be underrepresented among institutions of higher education and concentrated in the lower ranks, despite legislative advances and affirmative action. Studies indicated that many personal, social, and situational factors contribute to women being
underrepresented in the higher echelons of the academic hierarchy and experiencing more occupational barriers in their academic careers than males. Family responsibilities have been reported as a significant obstacle to the advancement of women in the past. Many
professional women find themselves trying to satisfy the responsibilities of a demanding career and home life The study investigated the level of participation, commitment and role value realization reported by women academics at the institution compared to the normative data gathered on the Life Role Inventory (LRI). The relative influence of participation, commitment and role value realization of home/family and working functions for women academics were also contrasted. The study also investigated the barriers experienced by women academics compared to the normative data gathered on the Career Barriers Inventory- Revised scales (CBI-R).