Assessing the quality of post.abortion care in public hospitals in the Cape Peninsula: the perceptions of women who had an induced termination of pregnancy on request
The aim of the research is to describe the socio-demographic characteristics of women seeking an abortion on request, their pregnancy history and previous contraceptive usage and to ascertain their satisfaction with post-abortion cafe at public health services in the cape
Peninsula. The study method was a cross-sectional descriptive survey' The research design incorporated a quantitative survey conducted in health services providing termination of pregnancy. AII women age eighteen and older attending the termination of pregnancy (TOP) clinic were approached to participate and the study was explained and with consent obtained. A face-to-face interview was conducted to eligible women post-abortion to ascertain knowledge of women via a semi-structured questionnaire' The questionnaire was administered on the day of the procedure before the women were discharged from health service' 133 participants were enrolled'.