A pedagogical analysis of the post-graduate programme in the school of government at the university of the Western Cape (UWC) with special reference to the South African qualification authority.
The pedagogical situation. A friend who taught me right from wrong and weak from strong That's a lot to learn, what can I give in return" (cited in Berube' 1995). The "pedagogical situation", assesses the post-graduate programme of the school of government at the University of the Western Cape during the transformation of higher education, regards education as one of the most powerful tools. This study seeks to explore challenges of transformation with special references to its practical implication vis-a-vis higher education in the post- apartheid South Africa.
The study explores the concept "transformation' and bureaucratic relations of knowledge and power. It provides an overview of the restructuring of the postgraduate programme of the School of Government' and it concludes with recommendations on how to improve control of quality service delivery in line with the requirements of the South African Qualifications Authority'.
Thestudyisbasedonasystematicanalysisofkeypolicydocumentation,anindepth review of the modular content of the post-graduate programme. (September 2001 until April2003).