Provision of education in an abnormal society: Impact of gangsterism and violence in Cape Flat schools
The research focus on, understanding the impact of gangsterism and factors of violence on education within the Cape Flats schools. Security at schools is beginning to obtain consideration in South Africa as expressed in various media reports. Schools are places of teaching and learning and can only deliver their educational mandate in safe and secure conditions, free from injuries, crime, and violence South African Schools Act, (No. 84 of 1996). Basic school safety and security features are therefore essential at schools. This is not the situation and schools are functioning within a dysfunctional society, which has a direct impact on the provision of education. The Cape flats in particular, had been in the news of late, because of reported and unreported incidents of deaths, injuries, crime, gangsterism and violence that seem most prevalent in township schools (De Wet, 2016). By understanding and analysing nature and factors of violence in Cape flats schools, could result in educational policy change and approaches on teaching and learning methodologies.