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dc.contributor.advisorBrijlal, Pradeep
dc.contributor.authorGgayi, Collin Mugga
dc.descriptionMagister Commercii - MComen_US
dc.description.abstractThe efficient market hypothesis (EMH) is a controversial theory in Finance. Advocates of the EMH argue that it provides a basis for understanding financial markets while critics suggest that the hypothesis is unreasonable in its assumptions of the real function of these markets. Although the EMH may not be perfect, it provides a sufficient baseline against which financial markets may be analysed. Over the past couple of years, academics have broadly examined the EMH in both developing and developed financial markets. However, limited research has been done on African markets. Therefore, this study examines the weak-form EMH of the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) after 2008 to ascertain the impact the 2008 global financial crisis had on its efficiency. This study analysed the JSE using weekly and monthly returns of the three major indices (RESI 10, FINI 15, INDI 25) as well as the individual companies under these indices from 30th January 2009 to 30th January 2019. Analysis was carried using various statistical tests i.e., runs test, variance ratio test, unit root tests, and a GARCH model which revealed mixed results. Results of the unit root tests (ADF and PP) confirm that the JSE is weak-form efficient when both the weekly and monthly data of the indices and individual companies are analysed. The results of the runs test reveal that all the weekly and monthly data apart from the weekly data of the companies under RESI 10 index exhibit weak-form efficiency. The variance ratio test confirms weak-form inefficiency when weekly data is used while the monthly data confirms weak form efficiency of the JSE and shows that the market moves from periods of efficiency to periods of relative predictability. The results of the GARCH model on the other hand confirm the weak-form efficiency of the JSE when both the weekly and monthly data of the indices are analysed.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of the Western Capeen_US
dc.subjectEfficient Market hypothesisen_US
dc.subjectGlobal financial crisisen_US
dc.subjectJohannesburg Stock Exchangeen_US
dc.subjectRandom walken_US
dc.subjectMarket efficiencyen_US
dc.titleTesting the weak-form of the efficient market hypothesis on the Johannesburg stock exchange after the global financial crisisen_US
dc.rights.holderUniversity of the Western Capeen_US

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