Now showing items 11-70 of 20

Agronomy (1)
Agroprocessing (1)
Authentic learning (AL) (1)
Authigenic components (1)
Blind literacy (1)
Body image (1)
Braille (1)
Business Intelligence (1)
Business Intelligence Systems (1)
Business intelligence, (1)
Cardiovascular disease risk (1)
Children (1)
Climate change (1)
Collective baragaining (1)
Creaming (1)
Democratic Republic of the Congo (1)
Dental treatment (1)
Design-based research (DBR) (1)
Detrital components (1)
Dimensioning software (1)
Economic policy (1)
Employment (1)
Entrepreneurial Intent (1)
Entrepreneurial Opportunity (1)
Entrepreneurial Orientation (1)
Entrepreneurial Training (1)
Financial services (1)
Functional literacy (1)
Gambling is defined as wagering money on an event with an uncertain outcome. Gambling thus requires three elements to be present: consideration, chance and prize. Gambling activities were historically considered immoral; this was the basis for the common law unenforceability of gambling debts. Recently this stigma has faded and gambling has become a recreational activity. The history of gambling in South Africa and its introduction into the mainstream economy started with the Bantustans. These areas were considered independent countries by the Apartheid government, thus the general prohibition against gambling did not extend to them. At the end of the Apartheid regime a decision had to be made regarding the 17 casinos licensed to operate in the Bantustans. As a result of the introduction of the Interim Constitution, the Howard commission and the resultant Lotteries and Gambling Board Act, gambling became legal in South Africa. (1)
Gender (1)
Gender based violence (1)
Guayule (1)
Healthcare workers (1)
Higher education (1)
Higher education institutions (1)
Impact Assessment (1)
Individual (1)
Industrial relations (1)
Infectious diseases (1)
Latex extraction (1)
Literacy (1)
Literacy landscapes (1)
Lockouts (1)
Malaria (1)
Management (1)
Maternal health care (1)
Mathematical model (1)
Micropropagation (1)
Mitchells Plain (1)
Multi-sensorial approach (1)
Natural rubber (1)
New literacies (1)
Obesity (1)
Online gambling (1)
Online questionnaire (1)
Orange basin (1)
Perception (1)
Petrographic analyses (1)
Petroleum industry (1)
Petrophysical logs (1)