Groundwater quality monitoring : An approach to groundwater resource quality protection
Resource protection is considered by the National Water Act (Act No. 36, 1998)
of South Africa as one of the methods that can lead to resource management.
Furthermore, the Water Services Act (Act No. 108, 1997) regards people as
having rights of access to basic water supply of sufficient quality. In this thesis
the importance of water resource quality monitoring as a means of water
resource protection is highlighted. The aim is towards management and
sustainability of water resources in order to serve the current and future
generation. The protection measures also focus on ecosystem protection to
maintain as well as to restore ecological integrity. Several methods to protect
water res ources are outlined . The review also focuses on Resource Quality
Objectives (RQOs) as form of groundwater resource protection. In such, several
attributes onto which the RQOs can be applicable to are hig hlighted. On the
water qua lity monitoring side , an emphasis is placed on th e bacteriological
quality of water for protection of public health. Several methods of identifying
bacteria in water are discussed as well as the methods of report ing the analyses.
The bacteriological quality of wate r is discussed under the l ight of water for basic
human needs (domestic purposes). The way to interpret the results from a
bacteriological examination point of view is also highlighted .
On applic ation, the KwaZulu-Natal Coastal aquifer has be en chosen for
groundwater protection purposes. The specific site is Mbazwana, in Northern
KwaZulu-Natal. T he wells of this region were sampled for bacteriological as well
physico-chemical water quality. The results from the tests revealed that the
domestic waters of this region are contaminated, with 61 % of the tested/ sampled
wells polluted by bacteria of faecal origin. Both the H2 S strip method and the
standard method of bacteriological water quality examination were used for these
purposes. In terms of physico-chemical water quality, the water sampled proved
to be suitable for drinking purposes i.e. they meet the requirements of South
African water quality guidelines. The bacteriological water quality does not meet
the above-mentioned guidelines, therefore the RQOs set plays a role to improve
the water resources of this region to a desired state that will be unlikely to pose
health risks to public. Based on categories of modifications of water resource
units, the groundwater resources of the Northern KwaZulu-Natal revealed to be
moderately modified with apparent modifications observed. This means that
management rules to protect, manage and conserve the water resources are
required. These management rules are RQOs, that are set to avoid further
unnecessary water quality degradation while improving the current status of
water resources.