Magister Artium - MA (History)
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Things pretty dull: materiality and the making of Muizenberg in the 20th and 21st centuries
(University of the Western Cape, 2023)The purpose of this research is to explore processes of historical production and ideas about public space in Muizenberg, South Africa. It argues that the dominant narrative told about Muizenberg from the late nineteenth ... -
The politics of representation in the inanda heritage route: A case study of the Phoenix Settlement, Ohlange Institute and Inanda Seminary
(University of the Western Cape, 2023)The thesis is a case study of three main sites on the Inanda Heritage Route, namely, the Phoenix Settlement, Ohlange Institute and Inanda Seminary. This is an important heritage route in post-apartheid KwaZulu-Natal, ... -
Popular history in South Africa in the 198Os: the politics of production
(University of the Western Cape, 1994)Popular history, like indeed other histories, is informed by different ideas about the relationship between the past, the present and the political uses of history. However, a major problem in trying to explore these ideas ... -
Being and neoliberalism: A conceptual history of the subject
(University of the Western Cape, 2022)The idea of neoliberalism, as both a guiding principle for economic policy decisions and a governing rationality, is a pertinent issue of our time. The concept itself is often used to describe the contemporary mode of ... -
Visual technologies and the shaping of public memory of disappeared persons in Cape Town (1960-1990)
(University of the Western Cape, 2021)The starting point of this thesis is the work of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) and the Missing Person’s Task Team (MPTT), two instruments of the post-apartheid government, both of which have directly ... -
The African child and the hidden curriculum at Blythswood Institute: Three snapshots
(University of Western Cape, 2021)This mini-thesis seeks to understand how the colonial and apartheid state imagined the African child in South Africa through education policies and their associated hidden curriculum. It asks what educational project was ... -
Listening and reading: Leon Levson’s ‘native studies’ photographs in the anti-apartheid Mayibuye archives
(University of the Western Cape, 2021)The thesis focuses on Leon Levson’s ‘native study’ photographs, taken in the 1940s in the rural areas of Transkei and Bechuanaland. These photographs are housed at the UWC-Robben Island Museum-Mayibuye Archives as part of ... -
Gender politics and problems in Southern Africa: KwaZulu-Natal, Swaziland and Namibia in the post-colonial/apartheid era.
(University of Western Cape, 1997)The study of gender is crucial for the achievement and sustainability of the democratic ethos in Southern Africa. The substantial·literature in this field attests· to this notion1 '. It could help us understand why ... -
The 1945 General Strike in Northern Nigeria and its Role in Anti-Colonial Nationalism
(University of the Western Cape, 2014)This thesis follows the course of the Nigerian general strike of 1945 in the Northern provinces, a previously under-researched region. It examines some of the many ways in which the strike has been understood in the academy, ... -
The function of marked word order in Biblical Hebrew prose: An evaluation of existing theories in the light of 2 Kings.
(University of the Western Cape, 1996)This thesis .investigates the function of a topicalized constituent .in the narrative non-direct speech texts .in 2 Kings. Many traditional BH grammarians described the :function of a topicalized constituent as "emphasis". ... -
Anthropology and literature: Humanistic themes in the ethnographic fiction of Hilda Luper and Edith Turner
(University of Western Cape, 2020)This mini-thesis makes an argument for the significance of a female-dominated hidden tradition of experimental ethnographic writing in British social anthropology. It argues that the women anthropologists who experimented ... -
Visual Storytelling in the Cape Flats Gang Biopics Noem My Skollie (2016) and Ellen: Die Storie van Ellen Pakkies (2018)
(University of the Western Cape, 2021)This M.A. mini-thesis seeks to open up the post-apartheid South African biopic as a topic for serious historical scrutiny. While book-length written biographies published in the post-apartheid (and apartheid periods) are ... -
“It’s My House and I Live Here”: The Mobilisation of Selective Histories for Claims of Belonging in Cape Town
(University of the Western Cape, 2020)This mini thesis seeks to explore two legacies of apartheid: the insecurity of decent and available housing that has led to a housing crisis, and the insecurity of Coloured identity as caused by apartheid’s racial and ... -
Visual Storytelling in the Cape Flats Gang Biopics Noem My Skollie (2016) and Ellen: Die Storie van Ellen Pakkies (2018)
(University of the Western Cape, 2021)This M.A. mini-thesis seeks to open up the post-apartheid South African biopic as a topic for serious historical scrutiny. While book-length written biographies published in the post-apartheid (and apartheid periods) are ... -
Anthropology and literature: Humanistic themes in the ethnographic fiction of Hilda Kuper and Edith Turner
(University of Western Cape, 2021)This mini-thesis makes an argument for the significance of a female-dominated hidden tradition of experimental ethnographic writing in British social anthropology. It argues that the women anthropologists who experimented ... -
Re-humanisation, history and a forensic aesthetic: Understanding a politics of the dead in the figuring of Ntombikayise Priscilla Kubheka’
(University of the Western Cape, 2020)In 1987 Ntombikayise Priscilla Kubheka was abducted, tortured, killed and her body dumped by apartheid security police. She was an uMkhonto WeSizwe (MK), the armed wing of the African National Congress (ANC), commander ... -
Re-humanisation, history and a forensic aesthetic: Understanding a politics of the dead in the figuring of Ntombikayise Priscilla Kubheka
(University of Western Cape, 2021)In 1987 Ntombikayise Priscilla Kubheka was abducted, tortured, killed and her body dumped by apartheid security police. She was an uMkhonto WeSizwe (MK), the armed wing of the African National Congress (ANC), commander ... -
Artistic Interventions in the Historical Remembering of Cape slavery, c.1800s
(University of the Western Cape, 2020)This mini-thesis thesis intends to grapple with silences by looking the possibilities of reconceptualising archives through notions of “traces,” “absence,” and “fragments.” Examining archives as bodies of knowledge, a ... -
A People's History of South Africa: Gold and Workers
(University of the Western Cape, 1980)In black societies, 'cattle were used for religious ceremonies and also for lobola, which was an important part of the economy. Lobola. was an exchange of cattle for a fruitful marriage. If the This volume is the first in ... -
"Have we no right to organise?" Black political organisations and farmworkers struggles in the Western Cape: 1912 - 1930
(University of the Western Cape, 1991)This study is primarily a history of black political organisations and their attempts to organise farmworkers in the rural Western Cape (1912 1930) with special reference to the Boland. The attempts made by these organisations ...