Now showing items 17-36 of 131

  • Codes from uniform subset graphs and cycle products 

    Fish, Washiela (University of the Western Cape, 2007)
    In this thesis only Binary codes are studied. Firstly, the codes overs the field GF(2) by the adjacency matrix of the complement T(n), ofthe triangular graph, are examined. It is shown that the code obtained is the full ...
  • Codes Related to and Derived from Hamming Graphs 

    Muthivhi, Thifhelimbilu Ronald (University of the Western Cape, 2013)
    Codes Related to and Derived from Hamming Graphs T.R Muthivhi M.Sc thesis, Department of Mathematics, University of Western Cape For integers n; k 1; and k n; the graph 􀀀k n has vertices the 2n vectors of Fn2 and ...
  • Codes Related to and Derived from Hamming Graphs 

    Muthivhi, Thifhelimbilu Ronald (University of the Western Cape, 2013)
    For integers n, k 2:: 1, and k ~ n, the graph r~has vertices the 2n vectors of lF2 and adjacency defined by two vectors being adjacent if they differ in k coordinate positions. In particular, r~is the classical n-cube, ...
  • Codes, graphs and designs from maximal subgroups of alternating groups 

    Mumba, Nephtale Bvalamanja (University of the Western Cape, 2018)
    The main theme of this thesis is the construction of linear codes from adjacency matrices or sub-matrices of adjacency matrices of regular graphs. We first examine the binary codes from the row span of biadjacency ...
  • Codes, graphs and designs related to iterated line graphs of complete graphs 

    Kumwenda, Khumbo (University of the Western Cape, 2011)
    In this thesis, we describe linear codes over prime fields obtained from incidence designs of iterated line graphs of complete graphs Li(Kn) where i = 1, 2. In the binary case, results are extended to codes from neighbourhood ...
  • Codes, graphs and designs related to iterated line graphs of complete graphs 

    Kumwenda, Khumbo (University of the Western Cape, 2011)
    In this thesis, we describe linear codes over prime fields obtained from incidence designs of iterated line graphs of complete graphs Li(Kn) where i = 1,2. In the binary case, results are extended to codes from ...
  • Computation of the character tables of certain group extensions 

    James, C. (University of the Western Cape, 1997)
    The work done in this mini-thesis deals mainly with different methods of calculating character tables of split extensions of finite groups. Three of the six character tables that are calculated are done with the use of ...
  • Computation of the character tables of certain group extensions 

    James, C (University of the Western Cape, 1997)
    In this chapter some basic theory on group extensions is first given in section 1.1 and then a method for finding the conjugacy classes of group extensions is described in section i.2. In section 1.3 we look at an example ...
  • Computing Mislin genera of certain groups with non-abelian torsion radicals 

    Hess, Victor George (University of the Western Cape, 2004)
    In this mini-thesis we present some generalities of non-cancellation and localization and we compute non-cancellation groups. We consider groups belonging to the class X0 of all finitely generated groups that have finite ...
  • Conjugacy classes of some projective linear groups 

    Dietrich, Ernest Arthur (University of the Western Cape, 1992)
    Given a finite set X of distinct symbols the symmetric group Sx and the alternating group Ax are obtained without further constructions. More interesting groups are contrived, however, by imposing a certain structure on ...
  • Conjugacy classes of some projective linear groups 

    Dietrich, Ernest Athur (University of the Western Cape, 1992)
    Given a finite set X of distinct symbols the symmetric group S* and the alternating group A* are obtained without further constructions. More interesting groups are contrived, however, by imposing a certain structure on ...
  • Construction and analysis of efficient numerical methods to solve mathematical models of TB and HIV co-infection 

    Ahmed, Hasim Abdalla Obaid (University of the Western Cape, 2011)
    The global impact of the converging dual epidemics of tuberculosis (TB) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is one of the major public health challenges of our time, because in many countries, human immunodeficiency ...
  • A critical analysis of the pre-calculus course at U.W.C. 

    Myburgh, Namari (University of the Western Cape, 2002)
    Mathematical knowledge and skills have, over the last few decades, become very important in terms of study and work opportunities. Unfortunately, schools in South Africa have not met the expectations of their pupils or the ...
  • Design, analysis and simulation of a robust numerical method to solve Zika virus models 

    Fundzama, Bafana Mthobisi (University of the Western Cape, 2019)
    This thesis deals with the analysis and robust simulation of mathematical models describing Zika virus disease. Some background information about the occurrences of this disease and most recent literature indicating some ...
  • The determination of diffracted wave fields by an annulus according to Braunbek’s method 

    van Staden, P.W.J (University of the Western Cape, 1981)
    In this thesis a short wave approximation, the method oI W Braunbek, is used to determine the diffracted fields (acoustic and electromagnetic) of plane harmonic waves by an annular aperture. Integral representations ...
  • Discrete and continuous time methods of optimization in pension fund management 

    Muller, Grant Envar (2010)
    Pensions are essentially the only source of income for many retired workers. It is thus critical that the pension fund manager chooses the right type of plan for his/her workers.Every pension scheme follows its own set of ...
  • Discrete time methods of pricing Asian options 

    Dyakopu, Neliswa B. (University of Western Cape, 2014)
    This dissertation studies the computation methods of pricing of Asian options. Asian options are options in which the underlying variable is the average price over a period of time. Because of this, Asian options have a ...
  • Do money managers outperform their respective benchmark? Evidence from South African Unit Trust industry 

    Malefo, Boikanyo Kenneth (University of the Western Cape, 2015)
    Motivated by the growing attraction of the mutual fund industries across the world, this research seeks to explore the economic benefits contributed by the South African equity unit trust managers over the period from 1 ...
  • Efficient Monte Carlo methods for pricing of electricity derivatives 

    Nobaza, Linda (University of the Western Cape, 2012)
    We discuss efficient Monte Carlo methods for pricing of electricity derivatives. Electricity derivatives are risk management tools used in deregulated electricity markets. In the past,research in electricity derivatives ...
  • Efficient numerical methods based on integral transforms to solve option pricing problems 

    Ngounda, Edgard (University of the Western Cape, 2012)
    In this thesis, we design and implement a class of numerical methods (based on integral transforms) to solve PDEs for pricing a variety of financial derivatives. Our approach is based on spectral discretization of the ...