Now showing items 1-20 of 1063

  • A Grammar of Baca and its relation to Swazi, Zulu and Xhosa 

    Hallowes, D.P (University of the Western Cape, 1942)
    The material for this work is based" on field work conducted during three. weeks in February and two weeks in September, 1941. Both periods were spent at Lourdes in East Griqualand, a place well suited for a place well ...
  • Lencwadzi ibhalelwe bantfwana belibanga lesitsatfu Grade Ill lasebakwati kufundza nekubhala 

    Mazibuko, T. (University of the Western Cape, 1976)
    Tsine bantfwana bemaSwati siyahlonipha. Kuhlonipha sikufundziswa emakhaya. Asidzingi kufundziswa kuhlonipba esikolweni. Umntfwana makangahloniphi uyashaywa. Nasihlangana nemuntfu lomdzala endleleni siyaphambuka. Sicolela ...
  • Say it in Siswati 

    Rycroft, David K (University of the Western Cape, 1979)
    Say it in siSwati is a practical course manual for beginners. It is intended to be used in conjunction with a series of language laboratory tapes, either for individual or group instruction; but could also be ...
  • Radicals and Antiradicals in near-rings 

    Hartney, JFT (1979)
    This thesis deals with Jacobson type radicals and ideals, which are antiradical in the sense that they are direct sums of minimal left ideals and annihilate the quasi-radical of central importance are the s-radical denoted ...
  • Boycotting of academics: The case of UWC 

    Miche, Ana (UWC, 1980)
    An abstract is a brief summary of a research article, thesis, review, conference proceeding, or any in-depth analysis of a particular subject and is often used to help the reader quickly ascertain the paper's purpose.
  • A People's History of South Africa: Gold and Workers 

    Callinicos, Luli (University of the Western Cape, 1980)
    In black societies, 'cattle were used for religious ceremonies and also for lobola, which was an important part of the economy. Lobola. was an exchange of cattle for a fruitful marriage. If the This volume is the first in ...
  • Die Afrikaans van Kharkams 

    Links, Thomas Hodson (University of the Western Cape, 1983)
    ln Die Afrikaans van Kharkams word daar in HOOFSTUK I eers 'n uiteensetting gegee van die motivering vir en die aard van die studie. Hierna volg 'n beskrjming van die navorsingsgebied, Kharkams, uit 'n historiese, geografiese ...
  • Kaapse Afrikaans 

    Klopper, Rembrandt. Marius (University of the Western Cape, 1983)
    This study entails an analysis of the inherent grammatical and phonological variation which are characteristic of Cape Afrikaans. On the basis of the inherent variation which is documented in the preliminary part of this ...
  • A sociological study of ideology among the Herero of central Namibia 

    van Rooyen, Johann Willem Friedrich (University of the Western Cape, 1984)
    The concept of ideology: as portrayed in the works of various social theorists, is comprised of a wider Yet related, range of meanings and connotations. Despite its lack of semantic precision, the concept is of value for ...
  • Imam ' Abdullah Haron life , ideas and impact 

    Muhammed, Haron (University of the Western Cape, 1986)
    This study focuses upon Imam ' Abdullah Haron, who is an impertant Muslim religious personality in South Africa who had died in detention in 1969 . He made sincere efforts in bringing about social reforms in his community ...
  • An analysis of black consciousness/in/South Africa i according to'the theoretical'criteria of a revolutionary philosophy 

    Vagens, Constandinos (University of Western Cape, 1986)
    This study was initiated, in the first place, by the dearth of analyses available on black consciousness in South Africa. The studies that do exist are usually to be found i~ the form of a chapter or two in a work on general ...
  • Geografiese aspekte van rekreasie en vryetydsbesteding in Bellville-Suid 

    McPherson, Elsworth Adam (University of the Western Cape, 1987)
    The way in which people utilise their FREE TIME [that is time left after all commitments (social and physiological) have been met] forms the central theme of this study. An important aspect of this theme for the geographer ...
  • Geografiese aspekte van rekreasie en vryetydsbesteding in Bellville-Suid 

    McPherson, Elsworth Adam (University of the Western Cape, 1987)
    Die wyse waarop mense hul VRYETYD [dit is tyd wat oorbly nadat alle verpligtinge (sosiaal en fisiologies) nagekom is) bestee, vorm die sentrale tema van hierdie studie. On Belangrike aspek van hierdie tema vir die geograaf ...
  • Some sociolinguistic aspects of second language teaching and learning of Xhosa 

    Zotwana, S (University of the Western Cape, 1987)
    During the period between March 1974 and June 1981, I was involved in the teaching of Xhosa to non-mother-tongue speakers at Rhodes University. This experience brought me face to face with problems for which my training ...
  • Some sociolinguistic aspects of/ second language teaching and learning of Xhosa 

    Zotwana, Sydeny Zanemvula (University of Western Cape, 1987)
    Chapter 1 deals with the theoretical issues involved in the study of language as a social phenomenon. It traces the development of the sub-discipline of sociolinguistics and the contribution of sociologists and ...
  • Geografiese aspekte van rekreasie en vryetydsbesteding in Bellville-Suid 

    McPherson, Elsworth Adam (University of the Western Cape, 1987)
    The way in which people utilize their FREE TIME [that is time left after all commitments (social and physiological) have been met] forms the Howl theme of this study. An important aspect of this theme for the geographer ...
  • Spesifieke leergestremdheid by laerskoolkinders: 'n empiriese ondersoek na die voorkomssyfer en persoonlikheidseienskappe van spesifieke leerge= stremde senior primêre skoolkinders 

    Adam, Mohamed Essa (University of the Western Cape, 1989)
    Sedert die sestigerjare het daar h betekenisvolle opswaai in belangstelling "The problem is 2 damnably elusive one"; Cruickshank (1981) beweer verder gekom in die kinders wat nieteenstaande die feit dat hulle h normale in= ...
  • The muslim judicial council a descriptive and analytical investigation 

    Lubbe, Gert Johannes Alwyn (University of the Western Cape, 1989)
    This thesis proposes to investigate the application of the Shari'a or Islamic Law in South Africa. To this end, the work of the Cape Town-based Muslim Judicial Council, which follows the Shafi's school of thought, is ...
  • The journey to Wankie: a biography of James April 

    Van Driel, Nicole (University of the Western Cape, 1990)
    James April, [hereafter referred to as April] was a member of the ANC's military wing Umkhonto we Sizwe [otherwise referred to as MK. What might have seemed unusual to the court that day, and to many onlookers, was the ...
  • 'n Psigo-Sosiale Studie van Tienerswangerskappe in die Noordelike Stadsgebiede van die Kaapse Skiereiland 

    Todt, Aletta Elizabeth (University of Western Cape, 1990)
    Die verskynsel van tienerswangerskap kom in alle samelewingsvorme voor en toon 'n steeds stygende toename in alle wêrelddele sodat dit deur sommige outeurs as epidemies beskou word (Chelala, 1988: 22). Dit vorm deel van ...