Browsing Masters of Science - Msc (Physiotherapy) by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 185
Activity limitations and participation restrictions four years after traumatic spinal cord injury in Cape Town, South Africa
(University of the Western Cape, 2018)The distressing event of Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) leads to complete or incomplete injury, and results in many complications such as such as neurogenic shock, cardiovascular disease, temperature regulatory problems, respiratory ... -
An analysis of health promoting and risky behaviours of health science students of the University of the Western Cape
(University of the Western Cape, 2007)Assessing and understanding the health needs and abilities of university and college students is vital in creating healthy campus communities. Student learning is a central part of the higher education academic mission, ... -
An analysis of physiotherapy classroom-based teaching and hospital practical skills in Zambia
(University of the Western Cape, 2001)The last decade 1990 to 2000 brought many changes to the global health care delivery systems. The changes have rendered the clinical-set up to be complex, ambiguous, and unstable. Some physiotherapy training programs have ... -
Assessment and treatment choices of physiotherapists treating non-specific low back pain in Rwanda
(University of the Western Cape, 2005)The aim of this study was to determine assessment and treatment choices of physiotherapists treating non-specific low back pain in Rwanda. The main objectives were to identify the common types of low back pain treated by ... -
Attitudes of health science students towards people with disabilities at Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre (KCMC) in Tanzania
(2010)The effects of disability on the individual not only include physical, psychological and emotional adjustments but also negative attitudes of able bodied people towards persons with disabilities. The attitudes of healthcare ... -
The attitudes of physiotherapists in Gaborone and Ramotswa, Botswana, towards treating people living with HIV/AIDS
(University of the Western Cape, 2007)Physiotherapists are increasingly treating peole living with HIV/AIDS. However, there is little information which has been reported on their attitudes in providing treatment to people with HIV/AIDS or what facilitates ... -
Awareness of physiotherapy interventions among pregnant females in antenatal clinics, Buffalo city municipality, Eastern Cape, South Africa
(2013)Aim: The aim of the study was to to explore women’s awareness and use of antenatal services at Cecilia Makiwane Hospital. Objectives: The specific objectives were to determine the awareness of physiotherapy interventions ... -
Back pain amongst dentistry students at the University of Western Cape
(University of the Western Cape, 2008)Back pain has been reported to be the most common type of discomfort in all occupational groups. Studies have shown that dentists experience more neck, shoulder and back pain than practitioners in other occupational groups. ... -
Barriers and facilitators regarding patient adherence towards physiotherapy rehabilitation programs in the management of osteoarthritis in Nairobi, Kenya.
(University of Western Cape, 2020)Reduced adherence levels have been demonstrated by some patients affected with Osteoarthritis. Therefore, this study aimed at exploring the barriers and facilitators regarding patient adherence towards physiotherapy ... -
Barriers and facilitators therapists experience regarding their support provision in an inclusive education system
(2009)In South Africa, the Education White Paper 6 on Special Needs Education (2001) Building an inclusive education and training system stated that the special schools would be resource centres for ordinary schools that admit ... -
Barriers and facilitators to utilisation of rehabilitation services amongst persons with lower-limb amputations in a rural community in Kwa-Zulu Natal
(University of the Western Cape, 2017)An estimated 387 million people worldwide already have diabetes mellitus (DM), with those numbers rising to an estimated 592 million people by the year 2035. The prevalence of diabetes mellitus continues to increase with ... -
Barriers experienced by parents/caregivers of children with clubfoot deformity attending specific clinics in Uganda
(University of the Western Cape, 2006)Clubfoot is the most common congenital structural deformity that leads to physical impairments in children in many poor developing countries. Inadequately treated or neglected clubfoot has been found to be a common cause ... -
Barriers to reintegration experienced by stroke clients post discharge from a rehabilitation center in Malawi
(University of the Western Cape, 2012)Stroke is a worldwide medical emergency, and the trend in its incidence is rising. Stroke leads to activity limitation and participation restriction among stroke clients. However rehabilitation of stroke disability has ... -
Barriers to school attendance among children with disabilities in Rwanda
(University of the Western Cape, 2008)The number of children with disabilities under the age of 18 years around the world varies from 120 to 150 million. In many countries, throughout the world, the majority of children with disabilities either do not receive ... -
Challenges experienced by mothers of children with cerebral palsy in Ndola, Zambia.
(University of the Western Cape, 2012)About 10% of children world-wide experience developmental disorders and require access to the health care system. These disorders also require extensive care giving, often throughout childhood and into the adult years. ... -
The challenges experienced by persons with physical disabilities who live in Chifubu Township in Zambia.
(University of the Western Cape, 2010)People with physical disability experience various challenges which include physical, social and attitudinal challenges. These challenges which limit the inclusion of persons with physical disabilities in society are a ... -
The challenges experienced by persons with physical disabilities who live in Chifubu Township in Zambia.
(University of the Western Cape, 2010)People with physical disability experience various challenges which include physical, social and attitudinal challenges. These challenges which limit the inclusion of persons with physical disabilities in society are a ... -
A combination of a physiotherapy and cognitive behavioural therapy in the treatment of non-specific chronic lower back pain: A systematic review
(University of the Western Cape, 2019)Evidence indicates that the current physiotherapy management of patients with chronic non-specific LBP only offers moderate benefit. Combined treatment programmes, addressing body as well as the mind, shows promising ... -
Community experiences of persons with lower limb amputations in Malawi
(University of the Western Cape, 2018)Persons with lower limb amputations (LLA) experience different challenges in the community. These challenges include the physical, psychological and social function of an individual. Little is known in Malawi on what persons ... -
The cumulative incidence of musculoskeletal injuries among student dancers at Tshwane University of Technology
(2009)Dance movements requires explosive power, sustained effort and both local and general endurance. Musculoskeletal injuries (MSI) are the most frequent medical problems among dancers in ballet, which is partly owing to ...