Browsing Department of Public Administration by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 86
A critical analysis of monitoring and evaluation systems for small and medium enterprises: With specific reference to Small and Medium Enterprises Development Agency of Nigeria (SMEDAN)
(University of the Western Cape, 2017)The significance of small, micro, and medium enterprises (SMEs) development cannot be overemphasized because it plays a considerable role in a nation's economy particularly in developing countries. SMEs' contributions ... -
A public participation perspective of the process of post-settlement support in Elandskloof
(University of the Western Cape, 2017)Since the dawn of South African democracy in 1994, extensive laws and policies have been introduced to facilitate transformation in the political, social and economic spheres. While South Africa has been lauded world-wide ... -
Accounting for economic disparities in financing municipal infrastructure in South Africa: a case study using data from the Cape Winelands District Municipality
(University of Western Cape, 2011)In this thesis I argue that by taking account of economic disparities and backlogs in intergovernmental infrastructure grants to municipalities in South Africa, government will effectively meet its constitutional ... -
Administrative culture and the performance of accountability institutions in public organizations: An analysis of the implementation of anti-corruption strategies in Kenya
(University of the Western Cape, 2018)The pursuit of bureaucratic accountability and regulatory controls through political-administrative reforms have become problematic in contemporary public management. Public sector corruption, in particular, is identified ... -
An analysis of the annual financial statements of the Department of Health in the Western Cape Province from the 2001/02 to 2014/15 financial years.
(University of the Western Cape, 2017)Oversight is of critical importance in the modern day South African dispensation. With the limited annual fiscal allocations to departments, millions of South Africans are dependent on the state for much needed services. ... -
Assessing sick leave absenteeism among public sector workers: a case study of nurses at Groote Schuur Hospital: 2012 and 2013
(University of the Western Cape, 2015)Nursing is a vital part of the health care delivery system, but managers of health care facilities worldwide are increasingly asked to “do more with less”. Nurses are under increasing work pressure and this often manifests ... -
(University of the Western Cape, 2019)It is often argued that public participation is the cornerstone of constitutional democracy especially in countries such as South Africa with the history of segregation which was characterised by the exclusion of the ... -
An Assessment of Social Capital in Rural Ethiopia: The Case of Aresi and Menze
(University of the Western Cape, 2021)This dissertation explored the degree and distribution of social capital forms-social networks, volunteer associations, generalized trust, particularized trust and norms of reciprocity in rural Ethiopia. It aims to ... -
An assessment of social capital in rural Ethiopia: The case of Aresi and Menze
(University of Western Cape, 2021)This dissertation explored the degree and distribution of social capital forms-social networks, volunteer associations, generalized trust, particularized trust and norms of reciprocity in rural Ethiopia. It aims to contribute ... -
An assessment of the impact the Disaster Management Act had in the education sector of South Africa during a pandemic: A case study of Northlink College in Cape Town (2020 – 2022)
(University of the Western Cape, 2022)This study assesses the impact of the Disaster Management Act, Act 57 of 2002 of the Covid-19 Pandemic on the education sector in South Africa, with specific reference to the Protea Northlink College, Cape Town. The study ... -
An assessment of the performance management system for senior managers at Chris Hani district municipality
(2021)This study examines the implementation of the Performance Management System (PMS) in local government, with specific reference to municipalities in the Chris Hani District in the Eastern Cape. The research is premised ... -
An assessment of the social consequences of water management devices on the poor in Samora Machel, Cape Town
(University of the Western Cape, 2014)This study assesses the social consequences of water management devices in poor households in Samora Machel, a poor urban area characterised by high levels of unemployment and poverty. South Africa is currently faced with ... -
A bioinformatics approach to the study of the transcriptional regulation of AMPA glutamate receptors (GRIAs) and genes whose expression are co-regulated with GRIAs
(2009)It was postulated that each gene has three main sets of transcriptional elements: one which is gene-specific, one which is family-specific, and a third which is tissue-specific.The starting hypothesis for this project had ... -
The centralisation of government departments in Northern Province, 1994-1998.
(University of the Western Cape, 1998)This study is an investigation of how the policy of centralising government departments of the former homelands affected various stakeholders in the province. There is general concern from the people of this former homelands ... -
Challenges of community policing in service delivery to the hearing-impaired community: A case of Worcester saps
(University of the Western Cape, 2010)The purpose of the study is to establish if community policing is being implemented in terms of service delivery to the hearing-impaired community by Worcester Police Service and, if so, to what extent. The study aims to ... -
Challenges of community policing in-service delivery to the hearing, impaired community: a case of Worcester saps
(University of Western Cape, 2010)The purpose of the study is to establish if community policing is being implemented in terms of service delivery to the hearing-impaired community by Worcester Police Service and, if so, to what extent. The study aims to ... -
Challenges of policing in the new millennium: a case of Nyanga SAPS
(University of the Western Cape, 2000)The Beginning of the paradigm shift in policing in the South African Police was first seen in 1993 when the concept of Community Policing was first introduced. The South African Police Service that was formed through the ... -
Challenges of public participation in the implementation of portable toilets in South Africa: A case study of Makhaza area in Cape Town, Western Cape Province (2011-2015)
(University of the Western Cape, 2018)This research critically sought to conduct a study, to find out whether there was public participation prior to the installation of portable flush toilets (porta potties) in Makhaza Area, Khayelitsha, during 2011-2015. A ... -
Citizenship, transport and the working poor and unemployed in Khayelitsha since 2010
(University of the Western Cape, 2022)The largely peaceful, negotiated transition to a political democracy in South Africa was heralded internationally as a modern day miracle. However, the new democratic government also committed itself to equal citizenship, ... -
Co-management of marine resources as an instrument to facilitate conflict resolution in HAWSTON
(University of Western Cape, 1998)The living marine resources of South Africa belong to the people of the country. With a steady growth of the human population and the subsequent increased demand for food, it is imperative that the resources of our waters ...