Browsing Magister Commercii (Industrial Psychology) - MCom (IPS) by Title
Now showing items 105-124 of 170
A re-assessment of the geochronology and geochemistry of the Postberg Ignimbrites, Saldanha, Western Cape, South Africa
(2020-03-13)The Saldania Belt in southern Africa, a product of the Pan-African Saldanian Orogeny, forms part of a system of Neoproterozoic mobile belts that border and weld older cratons on the African continent. It is a low-grade ... -
The relationship between career anchors and job satisfaction amongst employees within a leading Retail organisation in the Western Cape
(University of the Western Cape, 2010)In the current recessionary cycle in which individuals finds themselves, it is interesting to see whether organisations and individuals have changed their strategies or whether they pursued their tried and tested inherent ... -
The relationship between career anchors and job satisfaction amongst employees within a leading retail organisation in the Western Cape
(University of the Western Cape, 2010)In the current recessionary cycle in which individuals finds themselves, it is interesting to see whether organisations and individuals have changed their strategies or whether they pursued their tried and tested inherent ... -
The relationship between emotional intelligence and burnout amongst social workers in the north and south regions of the Western Cape
(University of Western Cape, 2013)The social work profession is strongly client based with workers being involved in complex social situations (Lloyd, King & Chenoweth, 2002). Social workers judgement and decision making are influenced by their emotions ... -
The relationship between emotional intelligence and emotional regulation and its impact on leader-member exchange, work engagement and burnout
(University of Western Cape, 2021)Organisations spend copious time and resources recruiting and selecting the best candidates to fill a vacancy. In the modern-day work environment, high-performing and engaged employees are the key drivers of organisational ... -
The relationship between emotional intelligence and leadership style
(University of the Western Cape, 2006)The 21st century has awakened a call for new leaders to cope with the demands of the rapidly changing world of work which emphasises flatter structures, and a more democratic style of leadership. When looking at the changing ... -
The relationship between emotional intelligence and self-efficacy amongst teachers in the Western Cape
(2012-11)This study focused on the relationship between emotional intelligence (EI) and self-efficacy amongst teachers in the Western Cape. Teachers are often emotionally overwhelmed by having to meet the demands and expectations ... -
The relationship between flexible working hours, organisational commitment and employee engagement at a South African retailer
(2019-11)In the twenty first century, the traditional roles in a nuclear family have changed. In the majority of modern families, both partners have careers and full-time jobs. Burnett, Gatrell, Cooper and Sparrow (2010) explain ... -
The relationship between flexible working hours, organisational commitment and employment engagement at a South African retailer
(University of the Western Cape, 2019)In the twenty first century, the traditional roles in a nuclear family have changed. In the majority of modern families, both partners have careers and full-time jobs. Burnett, Gatrell, Cooper and Sparrow (2010) explain ... -
Relationship between generation theory, leadership style and job resources in a cleaning services organization in South Africa
(University of the Western cape, 2017)Purpose - The landscape of the world of work as we know has changed dramatically in the last decade. We have complex organizations compounded by multiple generations co-existing in the workplace. This phenomenon brings ... -
The relationship between intention to quit, pyschological capital and job satisfaction in the tourism industry in the Western Cape
(University of the Western Cape, 2010)The current research aims to identify the variables that influence turnover intentions. In particular, this research explored the concept of turnover intentions by investigating the mediating effects of job satisfaction ... -
The relationship between job satisfaction and absenteeism in a selected field services section within an electricity utility in the Western Cape
(University of the Western Cape, 2005)Absenteeism can be a major problem for organisations. As pressures increase on the budgets and competitiveness of companies, more attention is being given to reduce workplace absenteeism and its cost. Job satisfaction has ... -
The relationship between job satisfaction and organisational citizenship behaviour amongst primary school teachers in previously disadvantaged areas in the Western Cape
(University of the Western Cape, 2008)Education is one of the top three issues on the national agenda. Any means for improving the system is in the best interest of the nation, and "improved leadership and management are critical to the conditions of work ... -
The relationship between locus of control, self-efficacy and achievement motivation amongst employees within a financial services organisation
(University of the Western Cape, 2006)In an attempt to create a workforce that is representative of the demographic profile of the new South Africa, recruitment and appointment of racial groups and minority groups are the order of the day (Bothma & Schepers, ... -
The relationship between occupational stress and job satisfaction amongst high school teachers in the North Metropole district in the Western Cape
(University of the Western Cape, 2012)Numerous studies have evaluated occupational stress and job satisfaction of teachers in South Africa (Jackson & Rothmann, 2006; Olivier & Venter, 2003; Steyn & Kamper, 2006; Rothmann & Coetzee, 2006; Schulze & Steyn, 2007; ... -
The relationship between organisational commitment and job satisfaction of commissioned officers within an arm of the South African National Defence Force
(University of the Western Cape, 2015)Job satisfaction and organisational commitment are two of the most researched organisational behaviour constructs. It is generally agreed that low levels of satisfaction or commitment may result in employees voluntarily ... -
The relationship between organisational commitment and turnover intentions during a restructuring process in a hospitality environment
(University of the Western Cape, 2015)Set against the tenuous relationship between government (public sector), organisations (private sector) and trade unions, employees’ commitment to the success of their respective organisations are of utmost importance. ... -
The relationship between organisational commitment, organisational citizenship behaviour and turnover intentions at a retail organisation.
(University of the Western Cape, 2010)The South African employment industry is facing exhaustion as the demand for talented workers is higher than supply (Bakos, 2005) and it has become imperative that the employer no longer simply focus on the commitment of ... -
The relationship between organisational commitment, stress and turnover intentions amongst teachers in the Eastern Cape
(University of the Western Cape, 2010)Generally high employee commitment is a major characteristic of world class organisations (Lesabe & Nkosi, 2007). There is empirical evidence that the strength of organisational commitment helps predict employees' turnover ... -
The relationship between perceived organisational support and workplace trust: an exploratory study
(2011)As organisations struggle to meet the demands placed on them by contextual challenges, they place more emphasis on relationships for effective organisational functioning. Trust is a critical component of workplace relationships ...