Law and gospel in the light of Torah: An analysis of South African Lutheran and Reformed sermons in the light of a Jewish understanding of Torah.
Taking the recent history and the present situation of South Africa as my
context, I have found that with regard to their ethical stance the Lutheran
Church has been accused of taking the "cheap grace" (anti-nomian) option
and the Reformed Churches have often been criticised (especially by
Lutherans, although recently also by some of their own theologians e.g.
Johan Cilliers, 1994) for propagating the salvation by "works of the law"
(semi-pelagian) option.
Both the above "accusations" need to be critically verified by an analysis of
the two theologies and their functioning in South Africa. This analysis will
be done by using sermons from both churches as its empirical basis. I have
decided to use seven sermons from each tradition. The Lutheran ones
were brought together by directly contacting my colleagues and asking
them to help me in this project by sending their sermons (especially on
Exodus 20, if possible) to me. The Reformed sermons used are taken from
published sermon collections available in South Africa.