Browsing Magister Theologiae - MTh by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 62
A comparison of the views of Augustine Shutte and Thaddeus Metz on African philosophy and Ubuntu ethics
(University of the Western Cape, 2017)In the theoretical study of Ethics much emphasis has traditionally been placed on established ethical theories, via approaches typified e.g. as deontological, divine command, utilitarian, virtue ethics and natural ethics. ... -
A socio-rhetorical reading of Luke 7:36-50: A contra-cultural view in a patriarchal society
(University of the Western Cape, 2017)A number of biblical scholars have observed that the Bible has been used by dominant groups in certain societies to justify and condone discrimination and oppression. Slavery, colonialism and apartheid are often cited ... -
An assessment of recent ethical discourses on globalization: comparing the critique of Joseph Stiglitz on global capital with ecumenical globalization debates on the Accra declaration
(University of the Western Cape, 2013)This research will investigate how globalization developed its own ethical discourse, based on perceived benefits and failures; also how it could be transformed within the global economic sphere, based on critique and ... -
Bearing one’s cross: a critical analysis of Mary Grey’s view on atonement
(2008)The aim of this research project was to seek a reinterpretation of the Christian motif of 'bearing one's cross'. This motif has been widely criticized by feminist theologians as an instrument that exacerbates the oppression ... -
Black theology and ubuntu theology: antagonists or soulmates? a black theological perspective
(University of the Western Cape, 2023)This thesis delves into the well-documented link between Black Theology and liberation, particularly in the context of liberation theology in South Africa. Black Theology emerged as a direct response to the inadequacy ... -
Brother Hauerwas: An analysis of the contribution of Stanley Hauerwas to peacemaking
(University of the Western Cape, 2017)This study will assess Stanley Hauerwas's claim that peacemaking is a virtue of the church in which peace exists as a necessary characteristic of the church. Christians are formed by practices of the church and so gain the ... -
Capitalism in moral perspective - an Islamic alternative
(University of the Western Cape, 2011)Our time has been called the age of economics; the social philosopher Edmund Burke first used this term to characterize the eighteenth century, which was his own century and also the century of Adam Smith, but this expression ... -
Catholic reflections on abortion and euthanasia - towards a theology of sacredness of human life
(University of the Western Cape, 2009)It is not possible in this paper to deal with all the moral problems revolving at the "beginning" and "end" of human life in the modern world. However, something must be said about the question regarding respect for human ... -
The concept of restitution in South African economic policy documents between 1994 and 2014 : an ethical analysis
(University of the Western Cape, 2016)There is widespread concern in the democratic South African context over economic inequalities. However, given the problems of poverty, unemployment and inequality, there is a need to consider economic restitution. Restitution ... -
Critical assessment of the profile and ministry of the Catholic Diaconate in the Archdiocese of Cape Town
(2010)The service of deacons in the Church is documented from Apostolic times. A tradition attested already by St. Ireneus and influenced in the liturgy of ordination, sees the origin of the diaconate in the institution of the ... -
"A critical comparison of Elizabeth Schussler Fiorenza's notion of Christian ministry as a 'Discipleship of Equals' and Mercy Amba Oduyoye's notion as a 'Partnership of both men and women
(University of the Western Cape, 2005)This thesis is based on the recognition that there are similarities and differences between two notions of Christian ministry, that is, a “discipleship of equals” as defined by Elizabeth Schüssler Fiorenza (1989) and a ... -
Critiquing white ecclesial leadership in multiracial South African neo-Pentecostalism
(University of the Western Cape, 2023)After twenty seven years of democracy in South Africa, many strides have been made in addressing equity, diversity and racial unity within the landscape of religious institutions. However, a prevailing question that ... -
The cultural and religious significance of indigenous vegetables: A case study of the Chionekano-ward of the Zvishavane-district in Zimbabwe
(University of the Western Cape, 2019)This study is situated in the context of multidisciplinary discourse on the pervasive problem of food insecurity in the southern African context. More specifically, it is situated in the context of the Centre of Excellence ... -
The cultural and religious significance of indigenous vegetables: A case study of the Chionekano-ward of the Zvishavane-district in Zimbabwe
(University of the Western Cape, 2018)This study is situated in the context of multidisciplinary discourse on the pervasive problem of food insecurity in the southern African context. More specifically, it is situated in the context of the Centre of Excellence ... -
“The curse of infertility and the obsession with the womb”: A re-reading of the patriarchal narratives of Rachel, Rebecca and Hannah
(University of Western Cape, 2021)When one reads about women in the Old Testament, their primary- and often only- roles seem to be that of wife and mother. It is made abundantly clear in some of the narratives found in the Old Testament that a woman’s worth ... -
“Deliver us from evil” A critical analysis of soteriological discourse in African pentecostalism
(University of the Western Cape, 2015)In the history of Christianity a number of distinct soteriological models have developed over the centuries. In the Patristic period, victory over death and destruction was emphasised. In late medieval Catholicism, the ... -
"Die etiese persepsie oor die doodstraf in die Wes-Kaap streek in terme van die bybel"
(University of Western Cape, 1997)Suid-Afrika se verdedigings- en polisiehoofde het onlangs samesprekings in . Kaapstad gehou om militêre samewerking te bevorder en misdaad, wat baie algemeen in die Weskaap-streek voorkom, te beveg. Dit is beklemtoon dat ... -
Die geskiedenis van die ng sendinggemeente Kakamas (1936-1986)
(University of Western Cape, 2000)Van kleins af wou ek graag weet wat die naam arbeidskolonie beteken. Met die jare wat gekom en gegaan het, het ek besef dat daar heelwat meer in die naam "arbeidskolonie" moet sit as bloot maar nog net 'n naam vir 'n plek. ... -
Die relevansie vir die gee van tiende as bybels-teologiese rentmeesterskap
(University of the Western Cape, 2009)From the data it is concluded that tithing was an old, pre-Israelite practice used in different contexts for different purposes. In the Old Testament tithes were apparently predominantly used for the upkeep of the temple, ... -
Die rol van die congregational kerk in die sosio-ekonomiese ontwikkeling van Pniel: 1915-1993
(University of the Western Cape, 1998)Pniel is 'n landelike nedersetting geleë te Groot Drakenstein en het In besonder interessante geskiedenis. In 1843 het ene Pieter Isaac de Villiers en Paul Retief grond beskikbaar gestel in Groot Drakenstein vir die oprigting ...