Die bevordering van leerlingdeelname in die Aardrykskunde klaskamer : 'n aksienavorsingsprojek
This research originated from a problem which r identified from my own teaching situation. The fact that my pupils were very passive during my presentations of lessons and a apparently would not accept responsibility for their studies, gave me reason for anxiety. Through my actions endeavoured to encourage pulpits to develop critical thinking so that they could participate in the rearming process, take responsibility for their actions, contribute to the planning of their rearming experiences and create a positive attitude towards the subject Geography. Action research, with its emphasis on active intervention in the pedagogical situation, appeared to be an appropriate methodology for my study. To make the mentioned change a reality, every sub-division of the different cycles consisted of planning, action, observation and reflection. Reflection was a very important component of the research cycles, because it provided the guidelines for the change of my teaching practice. what must be kept in mind, is that changing of practice is a continuous process of renewal, and for that reason a long-term venture. The basic cycles of action and reflection were thus gone through several times, with the purpose of a continuous refinement and adjustment of participant's activities in the classroom. This type of liberatory education differed in quality from my traditional approach. Such conviction tallies with Freire's opinion that people are capable of reflexive thinking and can think critically about norms and values. In this way my pupils were made more aware of themselves as social beings, the functions they should perform and the responsibilities they should seek to accept.